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Very highly recommended to use the mech with the bio or the bios high surface area will quickly be clogged up and leave no room for BB ( Beneficial Bacteria.) BB is what converts your fishes waste from ammonium to nitrites to nitrates. Nitrates being the least toxic to them. You still need to do water changes on average every week to keep the water good though.

I'd recommend for you to make your own sump/wet dry filter if you plan on making a turtle pond. I'm assuming this is going to be over 100 gallons. Its going to get expensive if you plan on buying filters for it.

You might be interested in this website, there are many VERY informative people on that website. One person owns a 50,000 gallon tank!

<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.monsterfishkeepers.com</a><!-- w -->

