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Tegu growth


Hi there,

I'm not too worried about my boy/girl but I just want to be sure his growth is ok. I got my tegu sometime in September or early October. He is a tegusonly rescue so he is finishing up his hibernation period. He is just coming out now which might be related to his temperatures being better and his new cage ( I dropped the ball on posting pics). He's about 25" --maybe longer. I believe I got him when he was ~3 months old so he's about 7 months now. He was 15-18" when I got him. Is this rate of growth good? He's finishing a shed now and I intend on giving him a bath to help it along. He's eating now too but tends to eat food that's at least 12 hrs old (he grazes first and finishes it later). Mainly, ground turkey as that's what he is use to. I want to try mice soon and ease him into that too. His tail has always been thick but it is very thick now and he's developing jowls. Should he be 3 feet by March? I hear that spring of the first year is a huge growth spurt.
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I gave him fuzzies this weekend. In each feeding, he ate about 3-4 fuzzy mice. He's looking a little fat now. He's also pooping a ton but it's solid so no worries. How many mice should I feed him/her? I measured him/her and it's about 27" and it just finished a shed so I think it could be hitting that growth spurt. I need to get a scale so I can weigh him.

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