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Tegu is not eating


5 Year Member
Can we please have a sticky with instance and explanations as to why someone's tegu may not be eating. I know I am not the only one to notice threads always being posted when someone is worried about their tegu not eating. I feel it would be easier just to have a thread that gives explanations to general situations that would result in a tegu not eating. Situations such as acclimation, hibernation, general tegu related illnesses, etc.

If you guys post information or instances I will edit this post with said information and keep it updated as much as possible. I don't want to write the information myself because I am new to this too, and feel I don't have the expertise to really give detailed information. If you all don't think this is a good idea, or maybe it is already done somewhere, just let me know and i'll abandon the idea lol.

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