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tegu with bad leg


Active Member
please i need some help some advise. i just noticed that my male tegus left front leg is alittle swollen and he isnt using it very well. at times he does put weight on it but the other times he isnt.. it wasnt like this yesterday. all his basking and heat and humity is great he is eating good nothing has changed. could he have spranged it some how.. i did just recently changed his bedding from apsen to cypress mulch and it is alittle harder to dig in.. please sorry for the spelling.. i need some advise fast on to what could have caused this.. like i said he was using it just fine yesterday.. and what can i do to help him :cry:


Active Member
i know that when i held him and touched his leg he didnt want me to do that and it kinda twiched alittle so im freaking out thought it was MBD but i know it cant be that anyone esle thought please


If thats what it is that is what it is ... Lets all hope he is well on his way to recovery by Friday.. Vets arn`t going to do much right away ... If he`s eating dust with calcium and [try a new bulb?]


Active Member
Hello everyone just got back from the vet with midgar. It looks like he may have a muscle sprang or a outter muscle sprang. because his leg is swollen he took a fluild test from his leg to look for any infections, nothing there...So the vet gave him a shot of .60 Prednisolone Acetate 10 mg its an antiflamortry and for pain.then he gave me pills to give him everyday for 2 wks of the same thing. The vet thinks that he will make a full recoverey and that i should go with a softer Mulch. If the swelling doesn't go down by Monday or if it looks worse to call him. So thats where we are.. NO breaks, NO infections :app :bawl :lol:


Great !!!! So glad it is just a sprain. Has anyone tried a tread mill for tegus ???Maybe hang a mouse in front or something .. You know maybe I should get off my rock and do something or Ill be next ..

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