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Tegus only rescue operation


hey guys I know it has been a while since I last posted here but I had to share this with you guys. Yesterday I was lucky enough to take a trip down to homestead as it's only an hour from my house and take a look at Rodney irwins incredible operation for those of you not familiar Rodney owns tegus only and does some incredible work, especially if your a tegu lover like myself !! He personally gets into the field and traps invasive tegus from the ever glades and takes them back to his facility where they live fat and happy as well as breed ! Down here it is completely legal to kill as many of these lizards as you can and that's just what floridas fwc does, but not Rodney he instead has created giant enclosures for these animals and tries his best to provide homes for them !! Which us tegu owners know is not easy I personally have two tegus who eat me out of house and home Rodney has hundreds ! But somehow he has managed to stay afloat and continue to help our ecosystem and the tegus at the same time I believe he deserves our respect and support I will be adopting one of his yearlings this week and I will be sure to post pictures for all of you guys to see :)


Yeah I know, I saw it in the documentary I ran across online. You cant keep them all. If he has some that are too aggressive or just can't be rehomed I don't see the problem with selling them for food. I would rather they be sold as food than just put down and buried. He still saves many tegu lives and does a lot of good for the tegus and florida.


I hate to be a debbie downer, but watch this:

[0:58] "Rodney gives me a tour of his tegu operation. He is selling these invasion reptiles to clients in Asia, both as food, and as pets."
Rodney said he does not sell tegus for food. He said it was an error natgeo made. He does sell to asian countries as pets. He said he loves the tegus and could never do that to them. Heres his response


No he doesn't sell them for food he's very passionate about keeping them alive and you can tell within a five minute conversation about that for those who think what he does makes big $$ thjnk of how much It costs to feed one tegu he has hundreds lol plus shipping them to Asia as food ??? They would have to be buying 300$ meals for that to even be a financial gain with shipping so it's not true nor plausible. Rodney is a good guy a few days ago I didn't know him today I spent the day with him checking traps and learning a whole lot about tegus in the wild here


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Makes more sense to me that Rodney wouldn't sell them for meat. He says he doesn't, means he doesn't. Even NatGeo can make a goof!

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