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It's not that easy, firstly where she was found is in a field frequented by drug users and alcoholics as a meeting spot (my neighbour is an alcoholic so goes there often), there were apparently 3 of them but he only managed to catch one. The others were caught by some foreign people (I won't say what race) who also wanted to by that one off my neighbour for, as they put it "Soup". Add to that the fact that this is Ireland and nearly winter I doubt she'd survive there because it can get pretty cold here.

I've been looking them up (thanks to the info you all supplied) and what exactly they need habitat wise and I have a friend who runs a petshop so I'll bring her down and see what it would cost me to house her properly, I think the biggest expense would be the actual aquarium (about 10 to 20 gallons) but if it's to costly for me my friend will help me find her a new home, she rehomes animals all the time. Thanks for all the info guys, really appreciate it and I'll keep you all updated on what I decide to do but trust me whatever I decide It will be whats best for her.

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