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Vitamin D



Vitamin D .

We just got our new Baby Black and White Tegu Yesterday and the guy we got him from said he has rehabilitated her some . She can kinda walk more like a crawl We are going to take her to the Vet today and see if she needs the Vitamin D shots (not too sure if thats the name of the shots but i'm sure u all know what i'm talking about .) Now does anyone know if the shots will help her ? and how fast does it make a change in her ? . Thanks for ur help .


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It most likly a vitd3 and calcium shot to help with metabolic bone disease (MBD). MBD is a condition that will take time to correct. Alot of people stop treatment once the animal is walking normally and eatting welll, but if not fully healed the condition can pleg the animal for its whole life. There is also a state where the condition can not get better but you can stop it from getting worse.

Treatment for MBD is not simple. Your going to need to keep up with the calcium and lighting will be critical, a simple florecent normally will not help, out door time or a heavly duty UV bulb will be needed.

Good luck at the vet today.

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