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When they brumate they still come out to eat, bask and or drink just not as much as when they're not brumating or hibernating. If her stomachs not distended, is loose and or looks empty then she's relieving her self somewhere. What kind of substrate are you using? Depending on the type and how deep it is, it can be easy for them to move around under the substrate without being detected. Just the same as it can be easy for them to move around on top of the substrate without being detected depending on what kind you use. 

She could easily burrow for a few days on one side of the cage, relieve herself and move away from it. If she looked skinny when you saw her the temps may be a little too low causing her to burn more fat to stay alive. The same way high temps can cause them too.

What are you using to record temps? Have you tried moving some substrate or using a probe to find out what the temps are under it?
