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Home Depots only carry it in a lot states (atleast pure cypress mulch).  Here in AZ I haven't heard of any HD's that do.  Though, if you live in the East/South East they typically do.  Be really careful purchasing from Home Depots because some of them may say cypress but contain cedar as well and other mixtures. 

  Eucalyptus, I have seen being used by Zilla?  I hear mixed opinions on Eucalyptus substrates, and frankly, its just not worth the risk when there are other alternatives.  I use, succesfully and no neurological problems, Eucalyptus branches in my cages however I make sure they are DRY and sun baked. 

  Just try the cypress mulch ordered off the internet via boas and balls.  Its literally like 15 times cheaper to order 3 big bags and the shipping than buying the bags from companies like T-REX or ZOOMED (btw zoomeds mulch contains metals/plastics and I have seen this happen in atleast everybag I had purchased).   Here is a direct link.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.boasandballs.com/supplies.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.boasandballs.com/supplies.html</a><!-- m -->
