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Not too sure about tegus... and I somewhat doubt it would be beneficial, though it may be good for weight gain possibly if the tegu needs it.

My own blue tongue skink ate a wet dog food and cat food mixture along with insects, fruit and other veggies when I first got her for a few months because she needed to put on proper weight as she was on the verge of starvation. Which worked quite well, occasionally I mix in a bit of cat food or dog food once every two weeks as she is still a bit skinny but not starving anymore at least.

My personal opinion for BTS is you could feed dog food, as long as its a good brand. However I prefer a more healthier and natural diet, and my skink seems to enjoy it more too as she gets a chance to hunt her own food.. and try to bite my fingers off during feeding time when I put the food in her enclosure.

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