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  • hello I'm new at this. so I have just a question just wondering if I'm doing this right. for my baby. Her name is X she is about 3 years old. She is beautiful, she has been shedding about 1 month now but hasn't shed her tail is this normal. I have only had her about 2.5 months.
    Walter1, I was reading a old post where you had your Tegus in the back yard during the summer. you still doing that? I live south of Detroit and if I remember correctly you are in penn? so the weather should be similar. I wanted to give these guys some natural light and get them someplace while I rebuild and clean they regular enclosures
    Hi Walter, I responded in the hibernation page. I am not super familiar with the navigation on this site. Perhaps you could review my post and give me some feed back?
    Hey Walter1!!! Where is everybody? Do you know why I'm not getting anymore alerts in my email that tell me about new comments, or new owners? I just realized I haven't gotten anything for several weeks I think. I've missed you guys.
    Hey, I recently posted a thread on whether my tegu is female or male, and I was wondering if you can help me out. You seem to know a lot and I would really appreciate it.
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