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Recent content by Keeps

  1. K

    Can B&W Tegu's get mites?

    Can B&W Args get mites? Not sure whether or not my girly has gotten mites or not, it's been pretty groggy and rainy here where I live, and I live at the base of some foothills so I get all kinds of ants running a muck throughout my room, and seen a few little teeny white bugs crawling around the...
  2. K

    Not shedding properly

    She get's greens, scrambled egg, ground turkey, turkey liver, chicken gizzards, chicken kidney, and I get a few quail and rats from my buddy that practices falconry. After soaking her a little bit, the stubborn tail shed took awhile but it came off nicely. I gotta go get more fish oil to put...
  3. K

    Not shedding properly

    It's at a constant 75-90.
  4. K

    Not shedding properly

    This is the first time that this has ever happened, my 'gu isn't shedding very well this time around, around her arms, upperback & along her tail it seems that the skin isn't coming off, and just kind of flakes. Other places it's just sticking on, and peeling up. The humidty levels are high, and...
  5. K

    My Argentine Black And White

    Pretty 'gu! I love the white face, I wish my girly had a white face like that. If you're worried about him not drinking enough, try running a bath for him, so he can soak, and mess around, he may drink from there. My baby doesn't drink lots and lots, but she drinks multiple times a day, and...
  6. K

    My friends are awake

    I'm always worried when it comes to winter about not seein' my girly. She has never hibernated, even with hours cut back, she's growing like crazy! She is getting a little sluggish, and she's also been sleeping 3-4 hours later than usual. I'd miss her too much if she went away!
  7. K

    Anasi 18 months later :D (updates)

    Definitely helped me through some tough times. I like to think she loves me =P I think it's just the way she's standing, kinda arching her back a little. She's a little pudgy, but she's not overweight. Thank you :) Thanks, not a big deal anymore, realized that she wasn't worth beating...
  8. K

    Tegu not lifting herself up

    Uh...You need to go get pinkies, or load her up on gizzards, hearts, livers, scrambled/hardboiled egg, and stick to the rep-cal calcium, flukers is mainly oyster shell and not easy for them to digest. The hot side should be anywhere from 100-110, atleast my girly's cage is about that, and low is...
  9. K

    Anasi 18 months later :D (updates)

    Thanks for the welcoming, and thanks for the comments on her :) I miss the baby green soooo much. Can't wait to see how big she gets over the summer. I want to weight and measure her within' the next couple days.
  10. K

    Tegu not lifting herself up

    Year and a half old, and only 1 foot doesn't seem right. 20 gallon tank is way too small to begin with. I wouldn't recommend anything less than 40gallon long for hatchlings - 8 months or so. Was this your Tegu, or was she given to you?
  11. K

    Tegu not lifting herself up

    Sounds like it could be MBD (metabolic bone disease) do you have her under UVB lights, and on a proper diet, aswell as being supplemented with a calcium powder? I'd look for a reptile vet, problems like this don't happen over night. Should have took her in at the first sign of a problem.
  12. K

    Anasi 18 months later :D (updates)

    It's been awhile since I've posted here, kind of went through some tough times, break-up that did a number on me, just getting my life situated and moving forward with things. The last time I posted anything about my baby was probably close to 18 months ago, I got her in August of 2010, and she...
  13. K

    My Tegu thinks she's a rattle snake?

    Haha, I figured as much. It's wierd, because she is almost 2 years (July 4th) and we've been together since she was a month, no aggression or timid behavior, just when she's burrowed and trying to sleep. Might be mad because I'm making noises while she's trying to get some Z's, haha. What a...
  14. K

    My Tegu thinks she's a rattle snake?

    Lately, I've been noticing that my tegu, Anasi has been doing this wierd thing while she's burrowed and sleeping (or trying to sleep) where she shakes her tail, like the last 3 inches of it like a rattlesnake a few times, 3 or 4 times maybe for a few seconds. And only her tail is exposed, she's...
  15. K

    New addition

    Great story, that's crazy that she was left to roam and kept the temperament. Awesome find, congrats on the new addition. She's gorgeous!