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Recent content by laurarfl

  1. laurarfl


    Facebook has taken the place of forums because of the instant response time, this is true. I don't like to do it...but I do pick up hides...true confessions. Sometimes I just need to get to the tegu. It hasn't upset our relationship. It is all about positive association. Sometimes i need to...
  2. laurarfl

    I feel cheated what would you do

    Did the seller have any kind of satisfaction guarantee?
  3. laurarfl


    It's me :)
  4. laurarfl

    Possible B&W x Red hybrid

    Kirby is from my clutch. The outcome is based on the parents. http://tegutalk.com/threads/kirbys-thread.12353/
  5. laurarfl

    Possible B&W x Red hybrid

    Where did she come from, do you know? I have bred hybrids, it is possible. I also like to track down possible clutch mates. :)
  6. laurarfl

    Are there any Canadian Breeders that could message me?

    A lot of tegus coming into Canada are said to be WC from FL. Just a fyi. They are bought very cheaply and resold for much much more.
  7. laurarfl

    Rehoming female 4 year old Argentine B&W

    I checked the thread for reported posts. Appears they have been deleted. Please pm directly if you have any more issues. Thanks. :)
  8. laurarfl

    Twitchy legs!!

    Muscle twitching can be a sign of low calcium in the body. On a basic level, proper calcium levels are required for the muscles to contract and relax properly. The diet needs a proper proportion of calcium to phosphorous: a source of vitamin D is necessary either through UVB exposure, diet, or...
  9. laurarfl

    Blue tegus...Are they more skittish?

    For those who have worked with multiple tegus, have you found the blues to be more high strung than the reds or b/w?
  10. laurarfl

    Red tegu breeders

    Renske and Jan at Quolibet have gorgeous tegus http://www.tegubreeder.com/about-us/#
  11. laurarfl

    How does shedding work?

    Nice pattern! Where did you get him from?
  12. laurarfl

    Update on Slumdog - How Does She Look?

    Very pretty. Where did you get her from? I have found with my baby reds this year that the lighter ones are sensitive to light and UVB. I keep the basking spot no higher than 110-115 for those and make a humid hide.
  13. laurarfl

    5 m/o argentine black and white tegu

    The original ad is from July 2013. You can try sending the OP a pm.
  14. laurarfl

    Quick Argentine / Colombian difference.

    Golds are considered to be T teguixin.
  15. laurarfl

    Possible B&W x Red hybrid

    She looks to be a hybrid. But is she a b/w x red or a blue x red?