Hello guest! Are you a Tegu enthusiast? If so, we invite you to join our community! Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Tegu enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your Tegu and enclosure and have a great time with other Tegu fans. Sign up today! If you have any questions, problems, or other concerns email josh@tegutalk.com!
What's your constant humidity? Is it going up and down or is it constant. It needs to be 70% or above. The higher the better. You can also keep a humid hide by putting the hide under the basking spot, fill it with sphagnum moss moistened in water. I mist that moss once or twice a week.
9x out...
I don't know about the recommended age, but I highly recommend Rose City Reptiles in Texas for getting your Tegu. They have a very helpful YouTube channel and I can personally attest that Joey is a great guy! He answered all my questions when I was getting my Tegu.
I understand. Other companies look cheaper but when you add shipping which can be $400 or more, Kages isn't that expensive. I'd you're in the lower 48, shipping is free.
Go to the other sites like animal plastics and get the shipping prices, you'll be surprised. Most cages with shipping will be...
I don't know about the scratches, but I use a combination of reptisoil and ecoearth. This has worked well for me.
I'm about to upgrade to my tegu's adult enclosure and most people recommend a combination of organic soil and play sand. That's what I plan to use when I have to cover an 8x4x4...
Here are my tips:
1. target train - get a target training stick and show him the stick before feeding and only when feeding so he associates it with feeding time.
2. Get your hands in the enclosure as much as possible when NOT feeding him. Play in the substrate, move the decor, but don't touch...
But if you keep taking him out of the burrow, you're breaking any possibility of trust.
How long have you had him?
If it's only a short time, I would open up the enclosure and talk softly with him. Try putting your hand in the enclosure and just leave it there. Don't try to touch him or pick him...
Mine is a little older. I've only had him 2 months. I put him on my shoulder and then walk to the bathroom and close the door. I let him run around the bathroom while I'm seated on the floor. He usually will come up to me and climb on me, explore, climb on my head, and then go back to the floor...
Hi, All!
I'm new to reptiles and tegus specifically. I picked this guy up from my local reptile store. They said he was 6 months, but I don't think he's that big to be 6 months. What do you think?
Also, looking to see if anyone can determine it's gender. Unless I'm missing something, it...