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My beardie just layed 26 beautiful and healthy eggs last night. I tried up add the pics but it said it was an invalid image (ggrrr). My female is a dark red and my male is 1/2 german giant and he is a beautiful orange. I cant wait to see what the babies look like!!!
Thanks AB^ I signed it and posted it on my facebook. I was watching Nat Geo last night and they did an episode on the pythons in the Everglades. The worst part was they took baby python hatchlings and were doing testing on them to see their limits. They were giving some of them only salt water...
PRESTON is right. DO NOT feed him anything you catch or that is wild. You don't know where they have been or what they have been exposed to. I think your best bet is a bearded dragon. I have a male that weighs 1 1/2 lbs. He is a big boy and loves to hang out. There is no need for taming or...
OMG that pissed me off. I have never seen such a bs letter before in my life. Yes there are sick and twisted people out there. Look at our sex affenders hell we cant even get them banned. RIP Chelsea King. They are doing the same crap that they do to Pit Bulls. ITs all on the owner. Same thing...
I agree with everyone I would not own either. Chelvis is right you are going to have a busy 4 years ahead of you. High school then hopefully college. I have had reptiles my whole life to and I am just now getting my first tegu (Im now 25). Big reptiles take a lot of time and space. What does...
I know what you mean about being excited to see my lizard take a crap. I have expeirenced impaction as well and it is not fun. Im glad she is pooping and eating on her on. Just give it time and she will be fine.
As you know lizards require a lot more attention than snakes (I have both so speaking from experience) I hope your brother understands the time that needs to be committed to a tegu. It's for sure an everyday duty that can't be ignored. I have Beardies and will be getting my tegu from varnyard...
Hi everyone my I just bought a new incubator for my beardies and I was wondering what to set the humidity level for. I have done some research and have recieved various answers. Any suggestions. My beardie should be laying her eggs in a couple of days so I need to get this up and going so it...
Just FYI you might to keep the moving of those eggs to a minimum. Really just incubate what you have and you will know when they go bad by either mold or they will just sink in. If you rotate those eggs alot you will drown the embryos and lose them all.
ultimatly they are going to breed :( but like reptastic said you have time to save some money and build the enclosures. I know it sounds crzy but maybe you can talk to a vet about getting one of them "fixed"? I don't know if that is something that can be done or not but its just a thought.
You never want to introduce them in a cage that belongs to one already you are really asking for it. Frieda was threatened by this and was only trying to protect his/her territory. Always do it in a neutral area like a nice warm bath reptastic is 100% right. But I do agree I would be scared of...
Hi I am in the same boat as you are. I am waiting for my tegu to be hatched and I should be getting "him" in june or july. I have done so much research and have learned alot. You should also check out Varnyard Herps. Bobby is your #1 go to person! He holds so much knowledge and has a lot of...
Cool thanks then I guess I can just hope for the best. I know as babies they seem to be more "excited" I guess is the term where they will dart out of your hands. I just want what I see that most people have. I am off this summer so I will be spending a lot of time. I love your GU's they look...
That looks awesome I notice you took them off the sand (THANK YOU). What you have now is the BEST environment. Did you seprate them was their a reason why? I have a 6ft long 2.5 ft wide but I also have 4 dragons. 3 girls and 1 male who is 1/2 german giant. I love my guys. Your set up looks good...