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Search results

  1. B

    Aspen bedding

    I keep it simple and affordable. Jungle earth works great and holds humidity. To make sure my gu doesn't eat any substrate I cover 1/3 of my cage with repti carpet. That is where I do all my feeding. Aspen is great for my snakes. I'll take a pic of my setup. It's pretty basic but it works...
  2. B

    Any 2010 Extremes Hibernating Yet?

    Lol! Yeah I know the difference. My extreme hibernated and my all American did not. Also the all Americans are 1/2 extreme :) She has been awake for the past week. I have separated them and she seems to be doing alot better. She did a full shed yesterday :app I will measure her again when I get...
  3. B


    They are pretty basic snake, they can have a little attitude. Is this your first snake? I don't suggest agitating any animal to make them do such task. It's very stressful and not healthy for them. It's like people with frilled dragons. Just enjoy your new buddy.
  4. B

    Tegu names

    We did Tazz and Jazz not to creative and I wish I could switch the names because the other one should really be named Tazz he's a holy terror lol.
  5. B

    Odd question

    Mine is never solid and smells horrid. He will "pee" first with the left over calcium then a few minutes later out comes his runny "poop". I have Beardies and snakes plus many more and tegu poop looks nothing like any of there's. Hope that helps.
  6. B

    Would this harm my tegu?

    I have one tegu hibernating and one not. My temps are at the normal high and my hibernating tegu could careless. There is really nothing you can do to shorten/stop that process. I wish I could because the size difference on my are going to require me to separate them :(
  7. B

    Jazz 10' AA

    That's cool mine are both varnyard, Bobby does some amazing tegus. Do you already have your cage setup? That took us forever! Both my tegus sleep in a blanket at night in there cage I must say it's alot easier to find them. It's funny but around 4:30 everyday jazz moves his butt from his basking...
  8. B

    Jazz 10' AA

    Yeah the wait sucks. I waited 4 months for mine and I thought it would never end lol, but it was all worth it. They are by far my most exciting reptile!!! I can't wait till this summer when they really take off! What kind are you getting and when is it suppose to come?
  9. B

    Jazz 10' AA

    Thanks yeah hes really turning into a beauty!!
  10. B

    Pastel redtail boa pics

    I like it. It's really easy to work with. I can spot clean because it keeps all her poop together it's non toxic and I like how my snakes colors can really be seen when she is on it. For using it on one cage it's worth it if I had multiple cages it wouldn't be cost efficient. :)
  11. B

    Pastel redtail boa pics

    Its made by T-Rex and it is called desert snow. I also use Aspen. Thanks she is my first "big" snake. I grew up with rosy boas. It's been alot of fun having her.
  12. B

    Any 2010 Extremes Hibernating Yet?

    I'm sad my extreme is hibernating she hasn't not grown or done a full shed since I got her. I'm a little worried. My All American 10' has not hibernated and he is almost 30". He is literally double my extreme. I think I am going to separate them. I just want her to grow and catch up. So...
  13. B

    10' All American pic

    Thanks an yes he is very chunky lol. Never misses a meal that's for sure. I posted some updated pics under jazz 10'AA he is way bigger no more holding in one hand :)
  14. B

    Pastel redtail boa pics

    She is 6 months old and is doing amazing. She's never turned down a meal and sheds every few weeks!! Most amazing temper as well!
  15. B

    Jazz 10' AA

    Jazz next to my 10' extreme Jazz showing some great color! He is almost 30" Doing what he does best!!
  16. B

    can i feed my tegu baby food?

    Its a good way to get calcium down them. Just mix it in the baby food and down it goes!!!!
  17. B

    Is this hibernation? My 1st brand new Tegu!

    Yeah my tegu isn't 3 months yet and he is 22" I think you have a very young tegu! Tora had my thoughts he/she is just scared!
  18. B

    Word Associatian Game!

  19. B

    Any 2010 Extremes Hibernating Yet?

    Mine is crazy active now (finally!) he's already escaped once. I was happy to find him the same day!!
  20. B

    Raising geckos

    Not sure about the morphs. I have a tangerine and a patternless. Both females.