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Search results

  1. P

    Technological retardation

    Very highly recommended to use the mech with the bio or the bios high surface area will quickly be clogged up and leave no room for BB ( Beneficial Bacteria.) BB is what converts your fishes waste from ammonium to nitrites to nitrates. Nitrates being the least toxic to them. You still need to do...
  2. P

    10 by 4 by3 foot cage for black and white pair?

    Thats fine for a pair. Just make sure it has at least a 4" lip before the doors so that you can fill it up with bedding. You may also want to make/upgrade the cage so you can have a divider if need be. Most females after they lay their eggs are really nasty to everything, breeding partner...
  3. P

    More cool pics.

    I can't see why they wouldn't if the tegu is still small. I personally though can't picture the cat in that photo though trying to screw around with a pissed off adult tegu. Great picture Bobby! Keep them coming :) Spencer
  4. P

    funny stories

    Now out of pure curiosity here. Are we talking about a plant that happens to be a "weed" or the actual drug weed/pot ? If its the actual drug, I'm wondering why the h*ll your trying plant weed in your tegus cage?! That has to be one of the stupid things I've ever heard... Like Bobby said...
  5. P

    substrate question....

    Yeah, I prefer coconut products much more then Cypress mulch as well. You just have to make sure it doesn't get very dry, other wise its very dusty and is hard on their lungs. Not to mention if its that dry to begin with the substrate isn't your only worry! Spencer
  6. P

    harmful substrates.....

    I spend the $50 every other month so its not that big of a deal, I waste more money on useless things between the time frame. Like going to see movies, buying video games, renting movies, etc. One night at the movies on average is in the $50 range for me and my girlfriend. So like I said, it...
  7. P

    harmful substrates.....

    If I was to fill it with only Cypress it would easily cost me over $100.. so I'm glad with what I have at the moment lol Spencer
  8. P

    harmful substrates.....

    I would just mix the Cypress with Coconut coir. The only difference between loose and compressed to my knowledge at least is that one is still in the block form that hasn't been expanded and one is expanded. I prefer the compressed because its usually cheaper and takes up less room. All you...
  9. P

    harmful substrates.....

    I wouldn't do Aspen personally, I get the idea it would mold fairly quickly. This is my opinion but have you been feeding your blue as much as he will eat? Until HE/SHE stops? That might be why he was chewing of the Cypress, also are you feeding inside the cage or outside of it? Coconut coir...
  10. P

    Banana Plant

    I'm assuming this is for a tegu? Everything I've heard is that the plants will basically just become mulch. I'm not expecting this plant to last long. Its just like a "out of curiosity" thing. If I had to though I would recommend going with hanging baskets and/or air root plants that you can...
  11. P


    Re: BLUE TEGU HATCHLINGS FOR SALE!!! :rant :slap LOL P.S :bahi
  12. P


    Re: BLUE TEGU HATCHLINGS FOR SALE!!! :hifit :bawl
  13. P

    Banana Plant

    It also says ficus is toxic... so many people use them in they're vivs though, I guess because most geckos wouldn't try eating it? Spencer
  14. P

    Banana Plant

    I wish they could just make a large list that everyone goes by! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.amphibiancare.com/frogs/articles/tropicalterrarium.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.amphibiancare.com/frogs/arti ... arium.html</a><!-- m --> This one...
  15. P

    My site

    Certainly! :) I'd be more then willing to help you out with what ever I can. Thats amazing how your going to get one of Bobby's extremes?! Can you PM on how abouts your getting this done so we don't hijack Kazzy's thread. I've wanted one of Bobby's since I first saw those beasts?! I'm SO excited...
  16. P

    My site

    Your prices are amazing as well! Don't change them to much! :P Us Canadian tegu owners are going to need something large to feed to our adult tegus seeing as all roaches are illegal in Canada! So the locusts will be great. I don't think its gonna be easy to get them in here but if you can I'm...
  17. P

    My site

    Tux I didn't know you had a feeder site! Neat :) Maybe some day I can get my parents to make a order from you. Spencer
  18. P

    Banana Plant

    I put a somewhat large Banana plant in my 8'x4'x4' with Alice and Dozer today and I'm wondering how long you think its going to last? I got it from my mom and figured what the hay, may as well?! Alice already checked it out but didn't seem all that amazed and after a few seconds walked off...
  19. P

    Habba Mister

    There this should work. Just follow the link on the first post. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://reptilescanada.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33628">http://reptilescanada.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33628</a><!-- m --> Spencer
  20. P

    How old are you??

    I suggest build on the room first then ask :grno Spencer P.S I'm still 15 just to keep on topic