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Search results

  1. P

    Bunkbed Cage

    Also with the new design I made there is a 1" gap between top of the frame and the top of your cage. This way you have a little wiggle room for wires and not to mention being able to pull it out whenever you want. Not a problem, make sure you post lots of pictures throughout the build. I had...
  2. P

    Bunkbed Cage

    Here is the plan I came up with. It should end up saving you money on lumber. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=3830a4c2070ae294304925ce9c4dca64" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/ ...
  3. P

    Bunkbed Cage

    I answered your PM but I just thought of something. Instead of making a super strong cage you could just make your cage out of a few sheets of 1/2"-3/4" plywood then build a frame that goes around the cage out of 2"x4"s slap a sheet of 1/4" plywood on that then put on your mattress. Give me a...
  4. P

    Just got a B&W and have a few ???

    You've only had her for 5 days and two of those days shes eaten. I would only start to worry about her not eating after at least a week. On a side note though a mouse a day to my understand isn't very healthy for reptiles. I would try to vary the diet more as I see you are. Mice are more of a...
  5. P

    Can pine/cedar/spruce etc. be used to build the enclosure?

    I used Spruce for all my cage builds and I've had reptiles use unsealed Spruce as a basking spot with no problems. My tegu regularly walks on unsealed Spruce wood because I never sealed the outside of her cage. Like I said, no problems from me and I've never heard anything bad about Spruce. Spencer
  6. P

    is this right for a tegu setup?

    Like what? I've yet to hear anything bad about them, I'm using them and they are working fine. I don't usually use them but it was those or no UVB for at least 2 weeks. Spencer
  7. P

    is this right for a tegu setup?

    Sounds fine for now, won't be long till you need to upgrade that cage to at least 6'x3'x2' (LxWxH) Spencer
  8. P

    8'x8' of outdoor fun!

    I guess everyone missed the spot where MizM said that the pic was taken before the substrate was added so you could she the wire? LOL My only problem would be having the tegus and the black throat in the same cage. Personally I would take each out separate times or put in a divider for each to...
  9. P

    food for my baby B and W tegu

    Food List <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.tegutalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1353" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1353</a><!-- l --> General Tegu Information <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local"...
  10. P

    Outdoor enclosure

    Those are customized dog kennel right? Whatever it is it looks good, what are the dimension of each cage? Spencer
  11. P

    Tegus and swimming

    They can swim for a bit but they aren't very well built for it. I personally wouldn't put them in a pool, just buy a kiddie pool for like $10.99, throw it out somewhere flat, fill it up with the hose and give it like 25 mins in the sun. Should be warm enough then for a tegu to swim in. Spencer
  12. P

    plants in tegu cage

    Waste of money, trust me I tried it. They weren't delicate little things either. Honestly the only thing I think your gonna find that can live in there would be some type of shrub or a small tree and even then you need to give the plant time to get its roots in (3 months minimum.) Maybe grass...
  13. P

    My New Enclosure

    My only comment is that you might want to look into a MVB for a cage that high because your UVB tube won't reach the bottom, I guess it really depends on your substrate depth and how low the bulb is though. Farthest a tube can produce UVB is 20" (Repti-sun 10.0, thinks thats the name) Also...
  14. P

    I got bit

    Ouch, did she shake at all or did she just chomp on it? How many eggs did you get from her? Spencer
  15. P

    Hiding in my enclosure

    Quite the lucky little bugger! Would he have been food when the tegus woken up? Good luck with the little guy/girl, fingers crossed you don't get bitten ;) Spencer
  16. P

    Aww man

    Well heres a quick update on Alice's tail, its healed up well! :) You can barely notice the scar/scab area now. Spencer
  17. P

    Tegu Diet

    Maybe try making a slurry out of it and blend some snails into it? You could also try rubbing the snails with mice and rats so she get used to eating food that smells like rodents which will hopefully lead to her eating rodents. Spencer
  18. P

    Black and White Tegus in Canada

    I'm not sure if you tried Tux or not but he is going to be getting in some of Bobby's tegu's so you may want try him. Thats strange for Sam to be taking so long with the order...did you phone him during the 11 days? Maybe try that and see whats going on. Spencer
  19. P

    Mercury Vapor Brands

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.reptileuv.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.reptileuv.com/</a><!-- m --> Spencer
  20. P

    Proper Diet from Baby to adult

    Turkey is fed raw, feed everything raw except for eggs. You can scramble, soft boil or hard boil them. No problem at all :) Spencer