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Good god! I damn near shat my pants when I went onto your ReptileGeeks profile PuffDragon! I didn't realize music was gonna play and my speakers were set to pretty loud from gaming yesterday LOL
Other then that it looked good! I don't do the whole myspace stuff but I'll find somewhere to put...
Canucks were better when they had Markus Naslund, or however you spell his name. I don't watch hockey often so I wouldn't know much about it (I'm from Canada as well!) lol.
So like Tux said Welcome and I'm one of those fellow Canucks.
Feel free to ask as many questions as you want, we were...
I wouldn't be too worried about. I've always heard you have a higher chance of getting salmonella from preparing a chicken then you do from getting it from a reptile. I would say just buy some of that gel hand sanitizer and put some of your/your sons hands after your both done touching the tegu...
I hope its just some shed.. How close are your UVB lights and what kind/brand of bulb are you using? You might have the bulb to close causing the tegu to get dangerously high amounts of UV radiation.
The coil fluorescent tubes are really common for this. The animal gets...
You should be able to find it at a large chain hardware store; like here in Canada Home Depot has it. I'm not sure if the USA has Home Depot or not though lol
I think it's usually in the $20 range for a 8'x4' sheet.
Luke warm and slightly warmer. If it feels hot to the touch then chances are its to warm. I've also heard put the lizard in tail first, if the tail jerks out or it moves it out then you need to adjust the temperature.
Also the water shouldn't be higher then shoulder height. One last thing...
I've read it is pretty easy to cut apart and I think a tegu would be able to claw at it enough to make a hole for water to get to the wood. I plan on testing it though with the point of a knife when I start building the four 8'x4'x2' cages.
Also don't put the light hanging right from the...
I don't think any could really tell you.. I suggest just buying a digital thermometer from a hardware store and just check your temps with that then adjust to whatever you need.
Yes its lino sheet flooring I bought, it was cut at the store though. It was really expensive though to cover the whole cage so unless you only plan on going 1.5' tall I wouldn't recommend covering the whole inside. It cost me $220 CAN! :O
I believe I used spruce. It holding fine and I think...
Maybe try cutting a hole in the side of a rubbermaid and put the food in there? Leave the lid off so there is light inside it. That might help get it used to eating in a bin. Then slowly trying moving the bin with him in it onto the ground?
Other then that I have know clue other then possibly...
Same goes for me hoosier. I just figured the snails wouldn't be cheap because you don't hear of them in the hobby much, well I don't at least.
Now to start saving and looking around! I don't think there is even one in all of Canada! LOL