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not hard at all, I had mine breed for me. I had one tube for breeders and one for feeders. Just keep them on a shelf or something like that away from sunlight or drafts.
the fruit flys actually cant fly, they crawl. I used to feed them to my baby anoles I would find who were beaten up by something. I would feed them and care for them until they were well enough to go back to the wild. I kept mine at room temp and they did fine.
For now they are eating crickets, I breed roaches but they wont touch them so for the first time in six years I have bought crickets. Their temps range from 72 at night to 75 during the day. They are so amazing to watch. My soon to be husband and I met in Costa Rica on a school trip with several...
I work at Petco and we sell a frozen fish there called a silverside. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about them and if they would be something I could add to my tegus diet. They are a whole fish about 3 inches long and they come in a flat brick so there are about 200 of them.
They are in the tank but yes she has plenty of room to get away from them. I have it hooked at one end of the cage. The UVA/basking lamp is about 10 inches above the basking spot and the same with the UVB light. The cow skull sits next to the basking spot to give another spot to bask at a lower...
OK so I moved some things arond in his cage this morning. His water is at the cool end of the cage I brought the heat/UVA lamp into the cage for a higher basking area. The UVB light is also now in the cage being held with wire. The basking spot now has some old tiles for him to bask on and it...
For the temps I have an infrared that i orderd online, it gives the min and max of the area. Went out and got a higher watt bulb today and the temps are rising tomorrow I will get another reading. As for humidity my boxer ate my gage so this friday I will be getting another one from walmart. I...
Aleady making plans for his bigger cage. Thinking 8ft L X 3ft W X 3ft H with a foot of soil for him to dig in. Also the door will open from the front. All of my cages i build open from the front. Less feeding response when you go to pick them up and I tend to be able to withdraw quicker if they...
to give you a good size of him when he sits on the cow skull it is about two inches longer than he is. In the pic he is burrowed under the water bowel so I didnt want to upset him. The person I got him from said he is a Black and White Columbian. Time will tell.
went to the reptile show this weekend and got a small (8in) Columbian B&W tegue for my birthday. He is already an awesome animal! For now he is in a 55g with a screen top covered with foil. I have the UVB tube along with a 100W UVA basking bulb. He has about 4 inches of eco earth to burrow in...