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Search results

  1. P

    Another way to fight S373/HR2811

    Your a little late... <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.tegutalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=5734&p=59255#p59255" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=70&t=5734&p=59255#p59255</a><!-- l --> S.373 was passed on December 10th. Spencer
  2. P

    Oppose Python Ban Campaign!!! Let's Get Rocking!!!!

    While this doesn't effect me in because I live in Canada and don't own any of these species I figured I would post this for anyone following this thread, the bill was passed. "NelsonÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢s bill would make it illegal for people to import or engage in the interstate trade of nine...
  3. P

    Happy Holidays!!

    Happy Holidays everyone :) Spencer
  4. P

    My new Columbian

    Welcome! :) To my understanding Goldens don't lose their colouration. I always wanted to get one but I'm afraid to put any more weight on the floor of my room. I currently have a 40 gallon and 20 gallon fish tanks weighing about 650 pounds in total. I also have a 8'x4'x4' cage for my tegu...
  5. P

    when you feed eggs...

    Try cracking it next time, it makes it much easier for them to "get into".
  6. P

    when you feed eggs...

    I never do, the way I see it, its just extra calcium and other minerals. All I do is soft boil the egg, let it cool and put it in the feeding bin. I used to crack the shell first but decided not to one time and my girl Alice seemed to enjoy it more getting the break it open. It gives you a...
  7. P

    Colombian Tegu (Tupinambis teguixin) enclosure Questions?

    I recommend you read the care sheets and you will get PLENTY of info. Once you finished reading them then feel free to shoot some questions with what you still aren't sure about. Anyways, 1) 6'x3'x2' is the minimum for one tegu; I personally wouldn't recommend housing a pair together because...
  8. P

    High Expectations

    I was half expecting to hear a nasty comment when I read the title! lol Congrats on getting your little guy. Spencer
  9. P

    dog cages

    You could always just make a little wall at the bottom of the cage going up like 3' so the tegu can't just climb up. Like use corrugated plastic as the barrier around the bottom. You could even use plywood. If you don't make something around the bottom though so they can't get out then don't...
  10. P

    Help building

    I would say the ABSOLUTE smallest you can go is 5'x3'x19" although Columbians are smaller they are still just as active so they still need a fairly large cage. I would HIGHLY recommend the smallest you go though is 6'x3'x2'.
  11. P

    Help building

    I say use the whole 73" for the length of the tank and the whole 43" for the width of the tank. Then cut your 43" boards to the 19" height of the 73" boards. That way everything is 19"s tall. Although with my plan you need to buy a piece for the top and bottom... at least you get the most bang...
  12. P

    none harmful disinfectant

    Quotes from this website. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.michaelandjudystouffer.com/judy/articles/vinegar.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.michaelandjudystouffer.com/j ... inegar.htm</a><!-- m --> Now one thing they never said was should I spray on...
  13. P

    Bunkbed Cage

    Go for it Jarett, no need to ask. If I didn't want people to use it I wouldn't have even made the plans to begin with ;) lol
  14. P

    My breeding pair of Salvini Cichlids

    Can't go wrong with the gu's. I find the fish relaxing to watch though once all the reptiles go to sleep. Here is a vid of the Sals argueing :P
  15. P

    Update pics of Alice

    Thanks everyone :) Spencer
  16. P

    none harmful disinfectant

    Hydrogen peroxide and Vinegar.. spray them both down from seperate and when they meet they have a chemical reaction making them one of the best anti-bacterial and anti-fungal cleaner. It is better then most household cleaner and is 100% natural so no worries about anything dangerous. Just wait...
  17. P

    My breeding pair of Salvini Cichlids

    There in a 40 gallon long (4'x1'x1' LxWxH) Salvini are by far the prettiest cichlids when breeding, the second closet being Red terrors, they're to die for! Spencer
  18. P

    Update pics of Alice

    Well here are some new pics of Alice, we bought a new camera tonight so I had to test it out! As you can see she is shedding. Also don't worry about the dry looking substrate, I had just gotten home from being in the city all day and its been warm here, meaning I hadn't gotten the...
  19. P

    My breeding pair of Salvini Cichlids

    Female Male Eggs with mom in background They're only 1.5"s right now but I have high hopes for lots of colour on these two. Enjoy, Spencer