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Hello. I never said that they are aggressive. ;)
what I do in fact say is
It has been my experience (and that of others) that well heated monitors are far more feisty than under heated monitors.
Littlefoot and Cera are tractable, never aggressive, however they do scratch me up like an...
Thank you Snakecharmr728 for the vote of confidence. Means everything to me.
Tegutattoos, Feel free to ask anything you need.
A helpful hint when using savannahmonitor.net , Click on the purple words as you are reading, each one will open a lightbox illustration.
I found this to look less...
without really reading the other replies...
I am more of a hands off kind of keeper, I only very occasionally touch my lizards at all.
I also am of the train of thinking that affection and reptiles should never appear in the same sentence. Attaching human emotions to wildlife is not what...
A variety is not necessarily anything but a piece of mind for us.
Monitors do not have taste buds, so there is no such thing as a "treat" so to speak.
Food is food to them, it's a scent driven response.
Some of the most successful monitor keepers do so with nothing more than a...
Info: Like Fruit Beetle Grubs, Earthworms aren't common in the pet trade. they are normally used for fishing so the easiest place to buy them is from places selling live bait.
Nutritional Value: Earthworms are probably the highest in moisture. as such they are good to feed to dehydrated...
They turn to mush in transit, I tried to send some to Florida once to one of the big herp vendors, when Dan opened the container the slugs were all dead.
Maybe with a cold pack to keep them chilled it may work.
Why is that Shane? surprised to see me?
Whenever there is a Bosc in...
I feed a variety all at once, Each feeding almost always includes a number of night crawlers, Some Dubia (when the colony can support the losses) almost always includes some rat pups, occasionally includes some raw certified organic jumbo shrimp (after all shrimp are aquatic arthropods) and...
Agreed, so back on topic....
To the OP, if you want your Monitor to start eating, and if you want it to survive, you need to get it out of that fish tank and into a proper enclosure like yesterday.
Do yourself and your lizard a favor, read savannahmonitor.net carefully, follow the simple...
No offense, but I would be amazed if your Savannah Monitor will live a year to be honest.
"he is not eating very well"
That lizard should be insatiable.
whole prey only, ground turkey lacks the nutrients needed.
to quote Frank Retes - if you are going to feed them turkey, feed...
Then you have my sincere apologies. ;)
That's the thing about forums, sometimes wires get crossed for no reason.
Heck, James and I have had a few "arguments" on other forums in the past, we got over it, discovered we are on the same page and it's been smooth sailing since.
I will...