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Savannah Monitor ?


New Member
As long as your enclosure set up is on tee and your husbandry is up to par then your hatchling is most likely taking time to adjust and is stressed out. I would let him/her be and settle more. I have had two Savannahs and both took a good 2 weeks to settle. I would just dump crickets in the enclosure and count them 1st, then the next day do a count to see how many they ate. I find that hatchlings are very picky eaters in my experience. Good luck!


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1,000+ Post Club
i wonder if it is good to feed night crawlers to tegus. i used to feed a few to one of my B/Ws but i mainly feed whole prey with some turkey and eggs with vitamins and calcium. i though about feeding minnows every once in a while but im unsure of the quality. great discussion i love savys but i dont have the space to keep one.


I dont know much about Savana moniters but i would think there is nothing wrong with feeding only hole prey . my friends day has one and only feeds ive hole prey. but i dont have one. so i have no input but thats just what i would think.! and earth worms are fine i think. i feed them sometimes.


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5 Year Member
shaneluvsmonitors said:
Think i just had a heartattack wayne...

Why is that Shane? surprised to see me?

Whenever there is a Bosc in need, I arrive with speed. ;)

no you referenced frank in a post very big of you :)


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5 Year Member
Lubbock, Texas
frost said:
i wonder if it is good to feed night crawlers to tegus. i used to feed a few to one of my B/Ws but i mainly feed whole prey with some turkey and eggs with vitamins and calcium. i though about feeding minnows every once in a while but im unsure of the quality. great discussion i love savys but i dont have the space to keep one.

Night crawlers are one of the best feeders for amphibians some say the best. Kirby won't touch them but I'd think they're work for a tegu snack


New Member
Info: Like Fruit Beetle Grubs, Earthworms aren't common in the pet trade. they are normally used for fishing so the easiest place to buy them is from places selling live bait.
Nutritional Value: Earthworms are probably the highest in moisture. as such they are good to feed to dehydrated reptiles. they can be easily cut up for smaller reptiles. Recommended as well for the animals suffering from gout

Size Range: upto 6"
Ideal For: most lizards and amphibians

Nutrition Information:
Crude Protein: 62.2
Crude Fat: 17.7
Ash: 5.0
Gross Energy: 4.65
Calcium: 1.72

Crude Protein: 60.7
Crude Fat: 4.4
Ash: 11.4
Gross Energy: 4

Many of my snakes readily accept night crawlers as well.


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1,000+ Post Club
I have a question. First off, I have never owned a sav but would perhaps like to have one in the future and I love reading the monitor posts so I can educate myself before I take the plunge. Anyways, would the whole ground animal meat form Hare-Today be okay to give to a sav? It's got the bones and organs (and fur/feathers if you want it). I used to feed Kodo nightcrawlers when hr was little but he doesn't like them anymore.


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1,000+ Post Club
For variety, more than anything else. Wouldn't say a varied diet provides more mental stimulation than one that consists of the same few items?


New Member
dragonmetalhead said:
For variety, more than anything else. Wouldn't say a varied diet provides more mental stimulation than one that consists of the same few items?

A variety is not necessarily anything but a piece of mind for us.

Monitors do not have taste buds, so there is no such thing as a "treat" so to speak.

Food is food to them, it's a scent driven response.

Some of the most successful monitor keepers do so with nothing more than a freezer full of mice.

A whole prey item (complete animal) has all the nutrients and "stimulation" needed.

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