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  1. Lil_Nas_Rex

    Lil’ Nas Rex wants to say hello!

    Hello All, I just wanted to introduce myself. I have an approximately one year old black and white Argentine tegu. Lil Nas Rex currently lives in a 4x8x4ft fully decked out enclosure. I joined the forum to gain more knowledge about taking the best care of my Tegu I possibly can. Any advice or...
  2. mushu

    New red tegu owner. Is this proper??

    Hi everyone, I just got a new red tegu about a week ago who is about 6 months old. I am in the process of letting him get used to me and his new environment. He stays in his hide 80-90% of the time, comes out sometimes when I'm not in my room to bask, drink water, etc. Here is my setup: - 40...
  3. KlausfromCA

    Preparing one week before getting a Tegu, need some advice

    Hello, everyone, this is Klaus, I'm gone get a Tegu or two in a reptile show on January 4. I have been searching out what I need to prepare over a few weeks already. This thread is to confirm my researching is correct and making sure there is nothing I missed. I have a 4X2X4 Close chamber...
  4. Retics & Tegus

    Pink Panther Tegu & Me!

    From years of growing up with dogs. As a kid thru my teens I will always remember my first personal pets. My first which was a Male Beta Fish named Viper. Then buying my first hamster, a Syrian named Oreo. To my first big pet project a 45 Gallon community fish tank. I have always loved animals...