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  1. A

    Baby Red Tegu Not Eating

    Hello I just got my baby tegu 4-5 days ago and he has not eaten a full meal yet. I offered him some meat mix with veggies, ground turkey, chicken hearts and berries which he ate but he only had a little bit. I’m following rose city reptiles and ty park rules on handling. Not waiting and handling...
  2. F

    Cage Size

    Hi I'm new to tegus (I'm interested in Argentine Black and White Tegus) and I found a Carolina Designer cage that was 72x24x24 inches link...
  3. Necro-Sigh

    Best Vitamin Supplement to use

    Hello, while waiting on baby Wifi to hatch/ arrive which is the best supplment to use? I use this for my leopard geckos and bearded dragon. How often should I dust Wifi's food with these? Just want to make sure I'm doing things right. Repashy Calcium Plus Calcium Plus Vitamin and Calcium...