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I would refrain from using any commercial dog or cat food because most contain fillers, by-products, dyes, and preservatives. It is pretty easy to provide a nutritionally correct and varied diet for your Tegus with a trip to the meat market and an order from one of the rodent companies. The one exception that I use occasionally is the Wysong Au Jus Meat canine canned diet. These products contain only the animal meat and enough water to process it. http://www.onlynaturalpet.com/products/Wysong-Au-Jus-All-Meats/101057.aspx
I don't like feeding dogs and cats commercial food let alone tegus, I know bobby feels the same way on the tegu front as jif pointed out, they are crap. It is much like feeding canned insects in the sense of crappy nutrition and additives not to mention why would you.