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Advice.....baby tegu doesn't eat


New Member
I got my Extreme Giant baby from Bobby on last Tuesday. The little guy looks good and health. He is very taming when I handle him. The only thing I worry about is he just eat a little ground chicken like two bites on last Sunday and nothing else so far. I tried dubia, superworm, scrambled egg and ground beef, but he is not interested and walk away. So how can I let him eat more?
By the way, the temperature in his enclosure is 110 at hot spot and 70 in the cool side, and he poo well after he eat last time.


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He could still be adjusting or you could have a picky tegu. Are you supplementing at all? Where are you feeding your tegu? Enclosure, a separate area? What time(s) are you offering food? Is the meat you are offering raw? You could try feeding it earlier or later during the day. You could try putting cod liver oil into the food you're offering, if you haven't tried a fuzzy yet you could also try that. This is kind of gross but I had a hard time getting Guru to eat whole prey at first, I had to "brain" a couple pinkies before he started showing any interest.


New Member
rhetoricx said:
He could still be adjusting or you could have a picky tegu. Are you supplementing at all? Where are you feeding your tegu? Enclosure, a separate area? What time(s) are you offering food? Is the meat you are offering raw? You could try feeding it earlier or later during the day. You could try putting cod liver oil into the food you're offering, if you haven't tried a fuzzy yet you could also try that. This is kind of gross but I had a hard time getting Guru to eat whole prey at first, I had to "brain" a couple pinkies before he started showing any interest.

I'm feeding him out of the enclosure around 9AM everyday, I have to go to work so no way to feed him at day time, everything is raw except eggs. I'm trying to buy a bottle of cod liver oil now, and didn't try pinkies yet.... Is that ok if I don't feed rodent, just use zoomed calcium or whole fish? because my wife really don't want see any rodents in our house.


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Try feeding in the enclosure. In my opinion rodents are very important, or at least some sort of whole prey ( rats,mice, chicks, quail).


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1,000+ Post Club
He may be getting ready to shed. Mine only ate 2 bites the second day but he shed the 3rd day and started eating like a horse. He has grown noticeably in the week since I got him. I am feeding him the mixture from Varnyards website.


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1,000+ Post Club
tmc001 said:
It's not because of shed for sure....today he ate two bites of ground chicken.....and then walk away...

I said he may be GETTING READY to shed. Give him a few days. Offer food in the meantime. Try the mixture from Varnyards website. Mine ate that first. It is what he is probably used to.


New Member
Dubya said:
tmc001 said:
It's not because of shed for sure....today he ate two bites of ground chicken.....and then walk away...

I said he may be GETTING READY to shed. Give him a few days. Offer food in the meantime. Try the mixture from Varnyards website. Mine ate that first. It is what he is probably used to.

I tried the mixture form Varnyards website last saturday, he ate a lot. thanks for your advice.
I tried to offer a pinkey mouse this morning, but he still didn't touch that. Did your tegu eat pinkey yet?

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