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New Member
5 Year Member
Haha almost albinos hmm has a ring to it and I am sure the people saying it is not an albino studied reptile genetics during college and have had tons of experience breeding herps...


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5 Year Member
chris allen said:
that thing is beautiful. who produced that?

chris allen

5 Year Member
He was produced by Ron St. Pierre back in 2003. I only had the trio for a short while back then. Definately beautiful animals.


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5 Year Member
chris allen said:
He was produced by Ron St. Pierre back in 2003. I only had the trio for a short while back then. Definately beautiful animals.

Is Ron St. Pierre still producing animals?


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5 Year Member
Turbine said:
Meg90 said:
You are comparing apples to oranges by using leos. :dead

It is not a TRUE albino. I will stand by that any day. As would any other buyer if they saw this animal on a site such as kingsnake.

albino (Ã?â??Ã?â??lbÃ?â??Ã?«`nÃ?â?¦Ã?Â) [Port.,=white], animal or plant lacking normal pigmentation. The absence of pigment is observed in the body covering (skin, hair, and feathers) and in the iris of the eye. The blood vessels of the retina show through the iris, giving it a pink or reddish color, and the eyes are highly sensitive to light. Albinism is inherited as a Mendelian recessive character (see Mendel Mendel, Gregor Johann (grÃ?â??Ã?Â`gÃ?Æ?Ã?´r yÃ?â?¦Ã?Â`hÃ?Æ?Ã?¤n mÃ?â??ââ?¬Â¢n`dÃ?â?°Ã¢â??¢l)
The presence of an excess of black pigment is called melanism

If you are so hung up on definitions, please, feel free to share.

But I would call that nothing but a blue with reduced pigmentation.

And if this guy wants to hawk it as an albino, lets see some actual clear photos.

Your less than expert opinion was neither asked for or welcomed by either of the posters. Thats the point.
If wanted to inform them that their tegus are not albino (which I and a few other people disagree with you) you could have done it in a more mature and nice way.

Once again guys, the pics and video are great and the albino tegus look awesome, thanks for sharing!

Turbine, that sounds like a personal attack.

You are not a moderator and have NO SAY over what I type and post. This is an open thread, and since you boys are making suchhhh a big stink over that animal, I'd like to say it again: NOT AN ALBINO.

The baby Wil posted I would LOVE to see pictures of as an adult, because even regular blues LIGHTEN with age.

I'm sure even albinos look different as babies. And if you'll notice, that one has the TRADE MARK RED EYES.



New Member
5 Year Member
My tegu was sold to us as an albino and it does have pink eyes, The lighting may not show it. i will try and get some better pics. The male on kingsnake was called a snow by the person selling it. I saw it close up and it was beautiful. mainly white but also had some creme color and a bit of yellow on it. It is the same people who i got ours from. Here is a video and pic just done yesterday of fifi our albino.



  • fifi2.jpg
    515 bytes · Views: 10


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5 Year Member
Meg90, I'm sorry as that was not meant to be a personal attack. I just think you should give the people who are posting pictures of their albino tegus some respect. The examples of tegus that have been posted to this thread are what passes for albinos in tegus.

I don't feel these people deserve to have someone telling them what is albino and what isn't. Since this is an open forum I, just like you am voicing my opinion on the matter. For what it seems most of the people involved in this thread believe and agree that these are all excellent examples of albino tegus. They certainly aren't normal blues, I have a blue sitting next to me and looks nothing like those. The tegus posted have washed out to almost no pigment , so I'm still going to stick with the albino side. I'm going to bet that these people have way more experience with tegus then you and i combined. Listening to them would be be a good idea for us both.

Have a great holiday.


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5 Year Member
She looks comparable to a "paradox" albino, like the ones seen in BPs with the black patches.

She's a very interesting animal, obviously her eyesight is very keen, and the light does not bother her like a normal albino. She's one hot lady, very nice face on her.

Do you plan to breed her? I'd love to see what a cross with a reg blue tegu would create.


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5 Year Member
we are planning on breeding her hopefully. corky the male blue I think is het for albino. i think once he is old enough we are going to try.

chris allen

5 Year Member
She looks great Alan. Just remember she should stay right here....you have a neighbor that obviously likes her.

Also, if by any chance someone tries calling you or emailing you, and says their name is Wil, just ignore them.....



New Member
5 Year Member
we are definitely not parting with her. i am hoping to breed her and right now she is a pet. i can't wait to see what babies she would produce.

chris allen

5 Year Member
I don't blame you. That was a big mistake I made with some of the reptiles I had when we bought our house. But, I did what I had to do. Do you have a picture of Corky?


New Member
5 Year Member
Here is a video i shot sunday of corky our blue hatchling, now 4 months old. His new cage is being built.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xu0azDXZZk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xu0azDXZZk</a><!-- m -->


New Member
5 Year Member
Wow no that must be fairly recent but that is incredible! Question to anyone who cares to Ageber, how exactly do you care for your tegu because of the albino UVB issue? And to anyone who can answer, would leucistic tegus have a different reaction to UVB than albinos?


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5 Year Member
when we got her she was small. I was told she was about a year old and was originally sold to someone when she was a baby. They decided they did not want her and offered her back to the underground. Ryan told me he thinks they did not give her proper care. We bought her and she is housed in a 8ft x 3ft x 2.5 ft enclosure. at one end i have a megaray 100 watt bulb along with just a basic bulb for light. At the other end of the cage i have a flourescent tube for light. She basks when she wants to, usually in the morning and after feedings. she sleeps in her hide or buries herself in the cypress mulch. she has a large water dish and i have automatic misters that come on periodicly thru out the day for about a minute, just to keep the humidity up. she seems to be doing great so if the care is wrong for an albino, I am not aware of it. She has at least doubled in size since we have had her

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