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any sugestions on lighting??


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5 Year Member
Yeah, but considering I get my bulbs for free I'm not paying good money.


5 Year Member
Ok thats great considering they might not last longer then 4 months,hey i'm just trying to help but again its just our opinion.

More information from UV GUIDE UK.

Iguanas appear to have requirements - and behaviour patterns - somewhere between the two. Green iguanas (Iguana iguana) have been observed to bask for long periods in full sunlight early and late in the day, when UVB levels are lower, then move to leafy shade during the heat of the day. Here they avoid the high UVB of the tropical noonday sun, which can be as high as 450 uW/cm², but they continue to be exposed to considerable amounts of reflected and diffused UVB which may reach values little different from those of the morning and evening sun in which they bask freely; levels of 200uW/cm² have been recorded.27,32

One author recommends keepers of green iguanas to make levels of at least 75-150 uW/cm² available to their animals for at least 6 hours a day, and reports that iguanas, given the opportunity to do so, choose to bask at these levels. 32,33 Another study indicates that an absolute minimum of 10uW/cm² is required for maintaining adequate vitamin D3 levels, but the author recommends that keepers aim for a gradient of 20 - 40 uW/cm² in the iguana's basking spot. 27 These levels would all be around the very minimum level a wild iguana would experience during the day, whilst in deep shade


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5 Year Member
I agree that you are helping, different opinions and experiences is what reptile keeping is about. Your opinion and experience has been helpful and is respected on this forum.

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