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any sulcata keepers?


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My only firsthand experience with tortoises is burmses browns(Manouria emys emys) but I doubt there's much difference in the two. Sulcatas like a bit more sun but always have shade/hide available.. One of the greatest things about tortoises, mine at least, is their feeding response.. They're so slow but quickly learn to associate keeper with food. When I'm in their enclosure cleaning or feeding I have to take a step backwards every so often cause they're always coming after my toes in "tortoise" slow motion, makes me laugh every time :-D


New Member
yea they seem like awsome pets. i hear they have great personalities and are very friendly. the more reading i do the more i want one. i think that will most likely be my next addition they the growing family haha. so far i have heard absolutly negative about them


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5 Year Member
well its not all perfect they get huge!!! did i say huge!!!! they eat like nothing u have ever seen if u can get them to eat hay and tortoise chow thats a plus but they will eat about a garbage can full of greens a day. its a plus if u live near or on a field of some kind where they can actually graze. plus they need a ton of space and heat a warm insulted barn seems to work best, and they are stronger then a small car.


New Member
what i was planning on doing is building a decent sized shed that is insulated and heated so he can go in there at night, during bad weather, and when its cold. and i am going to plant differant grasses in my yard and let them grow so he can graze the back yard.


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5 Year Member
ya that will work did u ever think about getting leopard tortoises they get really big but are still manageable, and being u are in texas they would do well. and i found they are much more personable. my male follows me everywhere eats out of my hand loves scratches on the head and eats out of my hand. ive had him for 20 yrs...


New Member
ill do some looking into them. as far as managing it...i have friends who can help me move him. and im sure i could corral him around haha. much like a cow...after all they seem like the cows of the reptile world to me

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