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Baby red setup


New Member
So I have a red tegu egg that I am waiting on to hatch and be delivered in a few weeks. He will be going into a 40 gallon front opening glass enclosure to begin as a fresh hatching. As I have researched, I have found so many conflicting information.

What specific lighting would you use for this size enclosure? Should I get a T5 or something similar right off the bat or use a regular uvb? What about the basking light? Wattage? Are any other heat sources necessary, like a UTH or ceramic emitter?

While he is in the 40 g, I will be preparing a grow tent. It is 8 by 4. I have the same questions for this size set up as well. Does the lighting that is required change? Or do I just need more bulbs in a bigger enclosure?

Please don't bully me, I have tried to figure all of this out myself and I have a basic idea of the needs and basking temps and so on. But I want to hear from you guys on what works best, specific wattages, brands, types, etc. for the 2 different sizes. I would rather ask now then buy the wrong thing and risk it being too cold/too hot.

Thank you!


New Member
You can buy the uvb rails from home depot and get t5 lights. Get command hooks to stick to the top. My tegu is still little but i built him a plywood 4x4 enclosure until he gets bigger. I used big boy staples to staple a uvb to the top of the enclosure. Get a small humidifier from amazon and set up a line to guide the steam into the enclosure set it on a timer. I turn mine on at night when i turn the lights out and the humidity builds up quick. Next morning i mist the enclosure, water the plants, and turn on the humidifier halfway through the day for an hour or so and it maintains 70-90% humidity all day. Use a good substrate mix that holds humidity.

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