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so i have a bw tegu just got it today but he has the little tip of his tail chipped... is this mean his tail is going to look like its been regrown or just the little tip?
It won't make his entire tail turn black, if that's what you're wondering. If it wasn't bleeding, it probably won't even regenerate at all. It doesn't sound serious if it only got a little chip out of it.
yah but i dont want it too look regrown or wierd you know? he is still a baby and has alot of growing to do but i hope its just the tip that stays regrown....
Don't worry man, everything will be just fine... I think you're just so excited about your new tegu that you're suffering from a classic case of O.C. Pet care. Happened to me when I first got my snake back in fourth grade... She was in shed so she stopped eating for a week. I lost so much sleep worrying about her and then everything turned out to be just fine lol.