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I aim at 80%....I think it can go higher without hurting a thing, but with everybody talking about shed probs, I wonder if 70% is too low, if it's a constant.
I get so dry here in the house, no matter what I do I can never seem to get the humidity up where I want it, so I went out and got a reptile humidifier for when they are inside. this spring I built them an outdoor cage, in fact today is their first FULL day in it. One love the sun, they other two immediately went for the hide.
I just poor 3 to 4 litres of water into my substrate ( soil / sand / compost with hay mixed in) to imitate a good down pour probs about once a month or anytime I feel like....... I actually siphon it through some fish tank hose and shake it around to form big rain drops......lol