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Ball python problem


Just got a live mouse and put it in a separate container with him, waiting for him to eat. im keeping an eye on him, too

He keeps stalking it, then backing off

Now he unsuccessfully struck at it...


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1,000+ Post Club
I always use tongs for feeding the lizards and snakes. Our pastel will only eat live right now. What we're doing is trying to dangle live then try to trick her with a frozen/thawed. No success 'yet ' but going to keep trying...

Tegu jeff

New Member
Dirkthejerk41 said:
It made me feel bad dangling the mouse on the tongs cuz it was yelping lol
Co2 the mouse and put it in tank over night my bet it will be gone in the morning.
I have had a lot of morphs do this.

Tegu jeff

New Member
Dirkthejerk41 said:
how do i co2 the mouse

Soda pop or beer co2 just put in a container and co2 put lid on and your mouse will go the sleep forever this is the humane way or you can kill it I like the co2 way but if you have no co2 you can use way 2


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1,000+ Post Club
Yes I know about the yelping... :( ugh. I understand. Is the mouse an adult? Because if the snake is feeling intimidated maybe try a fuzzy or hopper. They are harder to get live but petstores can order them or you can buy one male and three females and put in 10gal tank and breed some so you'll have fresh food :) but they STINK so fair warning. The co2 kill way i built a kill tank from a plastic jar w screw on lid and spout. I removed the spout and ran the tubing through that and gluegunned securely. This tubing is attached to the remote for co2 tank. Another tube must be placed going out and gluegun so no air can get in. You put this tube into a jar of water. Then you put paper towel in. Put mice in. Screw on lid. Then slowly turn valve to let a little co2 in. They will get dizzy and sleepy. Then once asleep turn it up. Just do it til the air is all out of the tank. (Watch water bubbles) then leave lid on 5 min to ensure death. If you don't wait they may be knocked out but not dead. So important to wait. Also at first don't crank the co2. They will freak out and get nosebleeds etc.if you want humane, you must do slowly until asleep then turn up. Is this more info than you needed? Haha. Sorry :)


How old is he? Here's the thing, too many attempts can stress him out worse. Did you give him an adjustment period for about a week or two first? If not, do so. No holding, change water, spot clean that's it.

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1,000+ Post Club
Yes. I agree with the waiting. Because daphne ( our 'live only ' ball) wouldn't even eat a fuzzy or anything...alive or dead...at first. Then for months we were assist feeding (f/t pinkies) and occasionally trying to get her to eat on her own ( to no avail.) Now she will eat live. Began with live pinkies, then fuzzies, now hoppers. We are now trying to dangle because we want to 'try ' to transition her to f/t because one of the last live either bit or scratched her and now she has a NASTY scar on her neck that hasn't gone away in 2 sheds. She's ok and it did heal without issue, but it is terrible. :(


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1,000+ Post Club
You hold the snake so it's body doesn't try to pull away or wrap on working hand. Then gently but firmly hold sides of head/jaw area with thumb and index finger. Rub the pinky on it's mouth in front and kind of wiggle and tilt the pinky ( head first) into the snakes mouth. The pinky sometimes can be used to 'pry ' a stubborn mouth open. Then gently push mouth shut on pinky and pull slightly back so snake's teeth will 'hook " the meat. Then just see if it will eat it. It can be a pain in the ass, sometimes will spit back out. Once it accepts and eats though you can sometimes put the next pinky in right as the last one's tail is being swallowed. :)


Watch videos it may help. We were shown how then watched a ton of videos before we did it. It can hurt them so be careful.

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Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
No time soon unless you see rapid weight loss. Like tegus, healthy (babies or not) can go months without eating. Like previously mentioned some stress easily, which continually trying to feed and offer food will do. Give it a break, skip a couple of feedings and try again later. With proper husbandry and access to water it will be fine not eating for now.

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