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So things are actually worse now if I so much as try to touch him he goes crazy trying to get away from me. I could seriously strangle my dogs he was making so muh progress when he got here.
In my opinion he will come around,i wouldnt really try touching him for a while,clean,feed,change water while hes in his cage and he'll be ok.The dog prolly scared the heck out of him,remember were alot bigger than him just as the dog is so when you go to pet him hes on defence mode for now,after doing the stuff i metioned feed,clean etc,he should be fine,i'm sure you already know this rhino's are nervous lizards to begin with.
Absolutely my whole first floor has a large opnings from one room to the next there is no way to keep them seperate He comes down from hisperch when the dogs are around it seems he is more wary of me. When I went to grab him is when I took the fall. So seeing a huge person almost land on him probably scared the hell out of him. I just put my hand in there and he will llow it to benear him and he will lick it. I guess I will be starting from square one. If the dogs become an issue I would probably have to rehome him which I do not want to do but I certainly don't want him to stress every day of his life. By the way my dogs are 8 and 10 pound mini doxies and a 3 pound chihuahua. I am hoping as he grows he will be much bigger ad maybe not as afraid. They never bother Tonka because he is 3 feet seems to be the smaleer ones they fiind interesting. Although they are not intersted in my 2 foot extreme maybe because they like him. They get so excited to see Tonka it is like he is one of them. I also leve his cage door open when I am home so he can ome out. My dogs are of ourse kenneled securely. IHe just came out today he has not been doing that.
However he runs when I walk by. I just ignore him and keep walking bymaybe that will help it worked wonders with tonka he was so nervous when I got him.