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Black Rough Neck Monitors?



So in one topic I was asking for monitor recommendations and since then I've researched a few. I came across this guy ^^ that looked pretty cool. I don't know much about them so any info on anything about them would help. If you have experience with them then please tell me about temperments. Also if there is a caresheet or a couple caresheets you can direct me to it would be greatly appreciated.


i just found this. i've never owned one or anything though lol.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.herpcenter.com/roughneck-monitor-caresheet.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.herpcenter.com/roughneck-mon ... sheet.html</a><!-- m -->

from a quick glance they seem to not be too fond of humans and are pretty shy. they can top out about 5ft. they're also arboreal and terrestrial so I would definitely keep that in mind when trying to figure out housing. The humidity is extremely high, 70-90%.


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5 Year Member
They are pretty kick butt in my opinion. One of the more underrated monitor species. They can be outgoing, they seem quite smart, they do not like to be restrained so when you handle em, let them do the work.
Humidity you have to watch out, its just best to supply a (huge) humid hide and mist em down every so often. The substrate needs to be deep (as with all monitors) and be a mixture. The biggest mistake people make with them (and most monitors) is giving them too many rodents. They should have a diet of like fish, crayfish, insects, and button quail. Rodents on occasion. And like previously stated, the housing on them needs to be built to house a monitor that enjoys height and lots of room to wonder around. If you can house them in a huge cage and meet their needs, they are one of the most rewarding monitors you will ever work with. VERY awesome animals.

-Jon DeLong


Thanks for the info. That one site said minimum cage size is 6' x 4' x 3 1/2' which seemed kinda small giving their size. Do you think i could get away with like a 6' long, 4' wide and 5' tall? Not that much bigger but I think it might be able to work for a while and I can build onto if I have to. So where would I be able to get quail and fish from? Is like supermarkets ok? And how about ground turkey?


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5 Year Member
Asian markets carry a lot of the fish stuff. The silver sides you can get from the freezer at a marine fish store, just read the ingredients to make sure nothing is added. Button quail (and eggs) you can breed your own. They breed fast and the eggs you buy to hatch out off the net are affordable. Or you can buy them frozen from a feeder site.
If you can do bigger than the minimum, thats always best for an adult animal. Best of luck to you.

-Jon DeLong


I hear their temperments aren't too bad. But yeah so far it's shaping up to be a monitor that I'm looking for :D. It's between these guys and a Dumerils. Still haven't decided.


They both get around 3-3 1/2 ft although most roughnecks do get a little larger from what I've read. roughnecks are like 175-200 and I've seen the dumerils for a little cheaper


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5 Year Member
According to Robert sprackland dumerils can easily reach 4' and black rough necks get closer to 5'.

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