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Blue Tegu or Red Tegu?


5 Year Member
Boston England UK
LizardBoy97 said:
TegusRawsome80 said:
Blue for looks.

i heard blues get smaller and are more agressive, and also lay less eggs? is that true?
My blues arnt aggressive at all, my male is now over 4ft at 2 years old . Also my blue female is around 3.5ft & just laid 32 eggs, hope this helps with your decision.


New Member
chriswizz said:
LizardBoy97 said:
TegusRawsome80 said:
Blue for looks.

i heard blues get smaller and are more agressive, and also lay less eggs? is that true?
My blues arnt aggressive at all, my male is now over 4ft at 2 years old . Also my blue female is around 3.5ft & just laid 32 eggs, hope this helps with your decision.

it does thank you, i was also looking into savannah monitors earlier, and i like their looks and temperament also, but i hear they are strictly insectivores, is that true also?


New Member
TeguBuzz said:
Blue for sure, loved mine so very much. Good luck finding one though.

Not too hard, Underground Reptiles sells blue babies for 250$ plus shipping, they will have some in august or september :D


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5 Year Member
I love my blue boy, 6 years and I have never regretted it. Looking for a girl for him though. Did a pairing this year with a guy who had a blue female she laid and hopefully we will have some babies this year.


New Member
chelvis said:
I love my blue boy, 6 years and I have never regretted it. Looking for a girl for him though. Did a pairing this year with a guy who had a blue female she laid and hopefully we will have some babies this year.

Congrats :D, i am just looking to get my "Started" Monitor/ Tegu, the largest lizard i have would probably be my frilly :D, maybe my beardie lol


New Member
and are tegus/ savannah's easy to breed? i have heard mixed things about savs, and good things about tegus, but what are your guys' opinions/ experiences with breeding?


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5 Year Member
captive bred savies are hard to come by and the market right now does not really favor breeding because imports are still so cheep. I do not know how easy they are to actually breed though.

As for tegus they are relatively easy to breed and the market for captive bred animals are still high, especially blues.


New Member
chelvis said:
captive bred savies are hard to come by and the market right now does not really favor breeding because imports are still so cheep. I do not know how easy they are to actually breed though.

As for tegus they are relatively easy to breed and the market for captive bred animals are still high, especially blues.

i haven't come by CBB or CB savies, but i have come by farm bred and raised? is that the same?


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5 Year Member
No it's not. Breeding is harder due to demand of more substrate and space. Also, if kept right they do eat a large amount of insects although "technically" it's not necessary for it to be all they eat. I say tegu.


LizardBoy97 said:
TeguBuzz said:
Blue for sure, loved mine so very much. Good luck finding one though.

Not too hard, Underground Reptiles sells blue babies for 250$ plus shipping, they will have some in august or september :D

Then you better prepay for one . Those blues sell super fast.And when you do find them AFTER baby time , plan on spending rent prices to get one.

LizardBoy97 said:
and are tegus/ savannah's easy to breed? i have heard mixed things about savs, and good things about tegus, but what are your guys' opinions/ experiences with breeding?

I have owned both and love both. its like apples and oranges both are the same and completely different. Its cheaper to get an imported Sav because there are not too many captive bred on the market
And tegus are relatively easy to breed if THEY want to.
And as for the blues they for the most part do lay around 20 or so eggs . But Chris had a bumper crop across the pond of 32 .Good luck Chris


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Savannahs are about 99% captive hatched eggs collected from the wild. They are expensive and somewhat difficult to breed. Very little profit in them if any.

Get a tegu. I prefer a nice red over blues.

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