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blue tegu


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5 Year Member
RE: blue baby tegu with slanted eyes

I would be alittle worried along with the underbite that is starting to developed. WHo has hatcling blues right now? Its way to early really. They hatch in October normally at the earliest it seems September. I would be seriosly suspetious.


5 Year Member
RE: blue baby tegu with slanted eyes

chelvis said:
I would be alittle worried along with the underbite that is starting to developed. WHo has hatcling blues right now? Its way to early really. They hatch in October normally at the earliest it seems September. I would be seriosly suspetious.

That is a baby from last year. She has been down since about mid December or so and is just now coming around.
I was concentrating on the eyes and trying to explain it that I completely missed the underbite. Thanks for catching that. I'm going to go ahead and hold on to her and see how it develops.
As for the eyes, I believe it may be incubation related as not all of the babies were like that and I have had a small percentage hatch out before. It is almost as if the eyelids are too small causing the "squinty" look. I have seen it in varying degrees in both Reds and Black and Whites also.
Anyways, nice catch Chelvis. I appreciate it.


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5 Year Member
RE: blue baby tegu with slanted eyes

Alright that would make scense if it was an '10 i wouldnt be as worried. I thought it was someone trying to pass it off as an '11. To be honest that was my major consern. There are a few blue out there i have seen with underbites that do very well, i just would recomend as a pet only animal (no breeding). I have had the eye problem with some leos with eggs that seem to sag at the last part of incubation. Some grew out of it, but some didn't. If it doesn't affect he ability to eat and get around i seen nothing wrong wiht her again be a pet animal.

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