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Chunk Goes Crazy With My Couch!!


5 Year Member
So I've had chunk now for about 4-5 months and he's been great...appetite is great and growing his colors are awesome and he's very calm and likes to explore...he still goes down pretty early sometimes...he might come up for about 4 hours then go down until the next day...but anyway when he free roams he goes everywhere and I noticed that whenever he gets inside my couch like under the cushion or behind the cushions that support your back when sitting and I go to take him out HE GOES CRAZY! When I take him out and put him down he huffs and puffs and opens his mouth at me and then runs for the hills! And then when I catch him and put him in his cage he goes crazy in his cage...when someone walks by he runs from one side to the other but then eventually he goes down to go to sleep them the next morning he's brand new like nothing never happened...I don't get it...


Your couch is his favorite hiding spot. We've got a few of those spots around my apartment. One that my boy HATES when I yank him out of is a place where a bunch of cords are, behind a table. He gets his big fat ass up in there, and he freaks when I try to haul him out. It's got something to do with them claiming certain areas as 'safety zones' lol. You're essentially being the big bad predator yanking him out of his 'burrow' lol.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Could be the start of puberty but usually that's a little later. Or just mood swings.


rhetoricx said:
Could be the start of puberty but usually that's a little later. Or just mood swings.

When does puberty usually start and end? Polly can't answer that but maybe you can.


Teg went mental tonight, totally out of character !! Can't quite put my finger on what's the issue though !? He was up for an attack/fight, very territorial if I went any where near the enclosure he would get all excited, he even launched at me when i replaced his water bowl !! lol I went to bed, left him to it, hope this is not the sign of things to come ... A one off hopefully !? :-/


5 Year Member
Wow seems like everyone has a bit of issues with they're little guys I thought I was alone on this one...but the weird thing is that I never let him get in between there so how can that be his "hiding spot"? I always keep track of him and watch him and make sure he Dont get in there so that way he won't get lost or somewhere that I can't reach which will mean ill have to sit around and wait till he feels he wants to come out lol but he got in there once for about a few minutes I guess that's all it took for him to claim that spot....ill work with him on it I guess and LMFAO @ dubya and his "sperm plugs" comment and yea I've saw Godzilla in person when I met chitodon...HE'S HUGE FOR HIS AGE LOL he's past puberty a long time ago


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Niles is still small (18in) but before he went down for hibernation he decided that he liked to rest/hide behind a picture that was leaning against the wall on the kitchen table. Haha. Every time i'd sit with him there he'd jump from my lap to the table then mosey over behind that picture :) I'm glad he didn't have the same problem as dubya...haha. on my kitchen table... ewwwww ;)

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