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my "Argentine" black and white tegu arrived this morning from the "breeders" today and this is what I got...



What do you think? I guess people just don't know the difference... is this a Columbian? Needless to say, he is a fiesty little thing and I will be returning him tomorrow when the owner is in, if it is. If it isn't an Argentine, this would be the second time this has happened to me in two weeks!! It's so hard to get the right Tegu because I live in Canada and they have to be shipped from Toronto...and if the employees don't know what they are doing this happens...



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5 Year Member
AHHH! LOL! :bang I asked the lady like 3 times and she assured me it was...I knew it wasn't but she was giving me a hard time, So I figured that I would wait until tomorrow when the owner was in so I can explain it to him.

I just want an Argentine, is that so much to ask!? :hifit


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nothing wrong with a colombian! but if you expected a argentine then there LIES the problem. good luck either way.


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I knew it was to good to be true to find an Argentine for 80.00 lol. But I already have one Columbian and I was looking forward to my new Argentine :( But yeah, it seems that everything is way over priced here. I can expect to pay around 80.00 for a Columbian and 200.00 for an Argentine.


5 Year Member
That sucks man. I paid $185 for my Arg at a expo and $225 for a Red in store.

I know they're expensive but some times you just gotta bite the bullet. What store did you end up getting the animal from?

If you try going to some expos you'll more then likely find a Arg or two. If your going to the Ottawa expo though don't expect to find any tegus. They are by-lawed by the city and Grant (expo coordinator) has very strick rules of not selling animals that are by-lawed in the city.

Try one of the Mississauga expos, they are our country's biggest expo so you will find tegus there.


P.S 100% Columbian


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Haha, Yeah, I took him back to the store about an hour ago, The store is called Critter Cove or something like that. I ordered from a different store this time though. I actually know the guy from this new store. And he knows what he is doing, lol. And he said that there is little price difference between the two, so he ordered me one (about $80.00). He will be here on Wednesday!! :) Third times the charm! :fc

I am going to go to the Mississauga expo on May 3rd anyway though. But I think I might get a tortoise :p


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FoxxCola said:
Haha, Yeah, I took him back to the store about an hour ago, The store is called Critter Cove or something like that. I ordered from a different store this time though. I actually know the guy from this new store. And he knows what he is doing, lol. And he said that there is little price difference between the two, so he ordered me one (about $80.00). He will be here on Wednesday!! :) Third times the charm! :fc

I am going to go to the Mississauga expo on May 3rd anyway though. But I think I might get a tortoise :p

awesome. I would take a picture of a columbain and a agentine tegu with you next time. Just incase so you can make sure.


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Yeah for sure! - sorry I don't know how to make a quote yet...lol...

But I brought a picture with me today to the new store I went to. But he had to order tegus in, so I didn't get to see any. I'll bring a pciture with me next time for sure though.


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FoxxCola said:
Yeah for sure! - sorry I don't know how to make a quote yet...lol...

But I brought a picture with me today to the new store I went to. But he had to order tegus in, so I didn't get to see any. I'll bring a pciture with me next time for sure though.

There is a button that says quote to the top right of each message. I would bring a picture of each kind so its easier to compare if your not already familar with the diffrence. Just make sure to label them lol.


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5 Year Member
Haha!! Ok I found the quote button! Thank you.

You know what, that is something that I would definetly do. Now that you mention it I will label them right now. lol


5 Year Member
Don't get your hopes up to high on that $80 Arg, it more then likely ain't gonna be a Arg but fingers crossed right?!

There is usually more then a little price difference, the cheapest I've ever seen for sale in Canada for a Arg was $160 which is double the Columbian you got.

Good Luck!!



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PinkPunisher said:
Don't get your hopes up to high on that $80 Arg, it more then likely ain't gonna be a Arg but fingers crossed right?!

There is usually more then a little price difference, the cheapest I've ever seen for sale in Canada for a Arg was $160 which is double the Columbian you got.

Good Luck!!


(look I used the quote button!! lol!)

Yeah, fingers crossed! This has been such a hassel. But if this dosn't work out, I will just have to wait until the expo in May, where I can actually SEE the tegu BEFORE I buy it! :p

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