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Some things say tegus need a supplement with d3 if you have a UV bulb and some say to use the ones without d3. So should I use d3 if I have UV lighting?
"Tegus should have a large variety in their diet. Tegus do require Calcium supplements and Vitamin D3 supplements. These supplements are available at any pet shop in the form of a fine powder. Calcium powder should be used for two days, on the third day use Vitamin D3 powder, then for the next two days use the Calcium, etc. etc. So basically.. Monday & Tuesday use Calcium supplements on the food. On Wednesday use Vitamin D3 supplements. On Thursday & Friday use Calcium supplements. On Saturday use Vitamin D3, on and on. Do not use the Vitamin D3 every day as it can cause an overdose. I sprinkle supplements on everything except whole food items (rodents, fish, etc)"