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Does anyones extreme have a black nose?


New Member
That was my biggest fear getting a b&w instead of my extreme. I think Bobby should do away with deposits and perhaps make it first come first serve if this keeps up. I dont know if I would give him my business again but I am happy with my gu after excuse after excuse.


Man, I'm sorry to hear this has happened. My Extreme has an almost solid face. No black on the nose to tell the truth. I hope this all gets taken care of. Your Tegu looks awesome regardless! Seems to be a happy camper! :)


New Member
thanks everyone for your input. I agree with you Spark, after this year he should get rid of the deposits, especially since some people still haven't received a refund.
the solid white face and the size is what I love about the extremes! I guess I was just hoping the color would fade after a few sheds but it just became more prominent. Is there really no such thing as a black-nose extreme? are there anomalies? Well RamblinRose has a HUGE black-nose the size of an extreme (of course he is what? 4 years old?) so that still gives me hope. Spartacus is pretty big, he passed up my red in size and my red is older!
I'll keep trying to contact Bobby. In the meantime, I'll keep loving my Sparty. He's too awesome to go back now.


5 Year Member
If your just worried about size just feed your tegu as much as he wants and prey he doesnt choose to hibernate and a b/w can still get huge, easy 5ft, especially a male. I have a female thats 4ft2-3inc so a b/w can deff have size. But Back to the topic at hand Bobby really needs to come on here and explain it all and set things right. He really is a good guy and I used to talk to him on the phone all the time a few years back when this site was alot smaller and had way less members, now meaning this business has grown alot and I can understand how busy he must be now as he was still busy years ago but its still no excuse for all the things ive been hearing.

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