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Dogs and Tegus, or are tegus dogs?


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5 Year Member
Now I am not saying that tegus are dogs, but sometimes they have moments where they are like their fuzzy counterparts. So yesterday we got hit with a late snow storm, luckily I was not able to get to work so I work from home. I was working on some accounting when I hear scratching along glass. I went to the reptile room to see both Bosco and Kiska awake. I had a fire going so the house was warm and I opened up the cage. Kiska was happy to stay put, Bosco on the other hand felt like exploring. After about 15 mins of checking everything out he found the perfect spot and fell asleep.


He was there for hours, just sleeping in front of the fire. He took a quick stroll to get some food and then went back to his spot. This time we had a bit of company.


Jager and Bosco did not seem to mind each other.They stayed there until it was the dogs dinner time and I put Bosco back in his cage. I love having thing tegus back at my place. Still waiting till its warmer before I bring Bacardi back to my place, hopefully soon!


5 Year Member
That is an epic picture. I love seeing dogs getting along with Tegus. My Tegus dont seem to mind my dogs at all. I have 3 Tegus and 2 dogs they all roam the back yard together. My big male will climb over my Newf-Border Collie mix if he is on the stairs or in the way of the food bowl. My Walker gives the Tegus plenty of room. I have always told people that my Tegus are very dog like.


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The tegus and the dogs really just kind of just leave each other alone, but its nice that they don't bother each other.

I have no clue what Jager is. I got him from the shelter when he was just a few months old and they thought he was a blue coon hound. Well he will be four this summer and hasn't gotten above 25lbs so i don't think there is any coon hound. I personally think he's a beagle doxie mix. His got a lot of speed and a loud bark on him. For a beagle though he seems pretty chill around the animals in the house. Get him outside with a rabbit and he's gone.

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