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donating money to a good cause


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5 Year Member
ive recently decided i want to start doing more things for others , and one thing i wana start doing is donating some money to a good animal rescue foundation.... can anyone on this site reccomend a few good links of legitimate places i can donate money to that treat hurt and sick animals ... i see a commercial all the time for it on tv but i want to make sure my money is being well put to use for these poor dogs and cats etc..... thanks guys


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5 Year Member
Most humane societies and larger rescue organizations will use your money for advertising and only a small percentage of it will actually benefit the animals. i would donate to a local society or nonprofit like a herpetological society. I volunteer sometimes at phoenix herp and they can always use as much help as they can get. They have about 1000 reptiles (gators, lizards, snakes, etc) that are all rescued or abused, and 100% of donations go straight to the animals (literally 100%, they pay no employees or advertising costs). Their website is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.phoenixherp.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.phoenixherp.com</a><!-- w --> if you want to check them out, but I really recommend giving to someone like them!


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I Currently work at a large cat rescue in Arkansas called Turpitine Creek Wildlife Refuge. What we do is take in large cats (like lions, tigers, bears, cougars and other large animals really) that private owners and zoos no longer want or can take care of. We get our advertisment time donated to us so all our money goes into building larger habbitates and enrichment for the animals. Hey if you want more info let me know. There are alot of resuces out there and yes the small ones do us their funds more for the animals. If there is an animal that you want to help most let me know i got a few people i know at different resuces and centers across the US.


New Member
5 Year Member
i want to help dogs the most.... let me know if u know of any good ones that rescue and help stray or injured dogs... it breaks my heart to see the commercial on tv i love my dog so much theres nothing i wouldnt do for him

MMRR - jif

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5 Year Member
Do a little research and, if you have a soft spot for a particular breed of dog, see if there is a breed specific reputable rescue in your state. I volunteer with Mid Michigan Boxer Rescue and chose this particular rescue not because I loved boxers (never had one until a little over a year ago) but because I learned that they will help the dogs that other rescues leave behind because they are old or ill. We have spent $1000's on individual dogs that needed costly surgery or cancer treatment. We will pull dogs from shelters knowing that they will have fleas and kennel cough just because of the particular shelter they are coming from. We have a terrific record for getting older dogs adopted. Adopters are well screened and matched with a dog that will fit their lifestyle and personality. Also, no breed is left behind because we are a boxer rescue group. We do help other breeds, including bullies and mixed breed dogs. My current fosters are Jael (pit puppy found outside a burning crack house) and Astro (a boxer/hound mix).

I can't think of an organization more deserving of financial support and I'm sure if you do a bit of research and ask the right people the right questions you can find a deserving rescue group that helps your community. Keep your money close to home where you can see it doing some good!


New Member
I love your heart. I would stay away from those big organizations. Alot of money is wasted. I completly agree with MMRR-jif. If you love a breed find a local NON KILL rescue and help them out.

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