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Feeding question


New Member
Well I have had my tegu for about two weeks and he has eaten everyday and I see hes already getting bigger , the thing is he only eats ground turkey I tried feeding him blueberries , bannas and he doesn't seem to like it , is their anything I can feed my gu , or is he fine with just turkey ?


New Member
In most cases tegus won't take fruit until they are older, as long as your supplementing your turkey you should be fine with that, things I feed my babies are turkey, ground lamb, chicken gizzards and hearts, beef liver (as a supplement I mix it in) shrimp, tilapia, chicken breast, dubia roaches, mice, and silversides all ofcourse supplemented with repti-life/calcuim/cod liver oil/beef liver not all at once I switch it up excluding calcuim

You can do eggs (cooked not raw) too but I don't do eggs its more of a personal preference but a lot of people do


New Member
Thanks a lot I'm going to try some of those , and the cod liver oil I see a lot of people use that is their a special kind or can I just go to the supermarket and pick whichever ?


New Member
No, you can find it at walgreens, cvs, any nutritional supplement store like gnc (for reference its by where you would find fish oil pills st johns wart stuff like that) they have flavored cod liver oil I would not buy that, just look for unflavored, they have pills with cod liver oil if you have to you can buy those and pop the pills open and mix it with the food I have not had an issue with that. A pint cost about 10 bucks and you only need a tablespoon per pound of meat

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Not fine with just turkey,.. even supplemented. Variety is best the sooner you introduce him to more of a variety,.. the better off both of you will be. Just because he refuses something one day,.. don't stop offering it. Give it time and offer it again, if you have too cut it up or puree it in or with a blender and then add it to his staple. He also needs whole prey in his diet, pinkies, roaches, worms or crickets doesn't really matter what just get it in there.

I've been saying this a lot later :s I feel like I should save it some where and just C&P it. Here's a food list if you haven't checked it out already


It's young and still learning what's good and not so good to eat. If it doesn't eat for a few days that's fine he may not need to or even be hungry enough to eat. As long as they have enough fat stored away they can go months with out feeding. A healthy tegu will not starve itself.

The next time you want to add something new try not feeding it for a couple of days to make sure it's good and hungry. If you worry about not feeding it at all,.. then try feeding smaller meals more often. The idea is to make sure they are hungry, since they are more like to try and less likely to refuse food when they are hungry.

Some times they even have to learn that food can be hard to come by to make them more opportunistic feeders and less likely to refuse food. Since it's brought to them on a regular basis and they don't have to do anything for it.


New Member
If you want to try some more fruit, Spunky goes crazy for strawberries and grapes. He didn't toughed most other fruits I tried before, but once he started eating those he was willing to give other food a try aswel.

I don't think all tegu's have the same preferences, but don't give up on the fruit to quick.
If you don't do it allready : gutload the insects you give him with a lot of fruits so they become the most nutricient.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Not to sound like a broken record, but variety is really the key,. Keeps your lizard from getting fussy and makes sure he get's balanced nutrition. Kodo eats eggs, silversides, grasshoppers, crickets, nightcrawlers, mice, and rats, with more items to be added as time goes on and I figure out what he likes.

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