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He was probably just over hungry and went for your tastey finger. When he realizes taht its not food and doesnt tate good, and has no effect on you, he wot bite anymore.
In wasn't ready for it and yanked my hand away. I know you're supposed to just take it and let him let go but I wasn't looking when he but me. I changed his water after and he didn't pay me any mind
Well now you will be ready next time. As mentioned, make it appear to not bother you. If he learns that biting gets him a certain response he may do it. If he bites you and you just stay there, he learns there is no reward in doing so.
I have a corn snake who likes to 'strike ' when in tank. But nice once out. So I just put a sock on my hand to pull her out then remove it. If you maybe did something like this to make yourself feel more 'confident '(?) Just an idea. it may go fine from now on though, considering there was no real 'reaction ' when you put water etc in (?) Best of luck!