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Does anyone know of a good website or can you list what types of food are good for them? Also, what kind of fish can they eat? I work at a pet store and the only thing we put in our water is salt and conditioner, would it still be a bad idea?
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That thread/list covers just about everything you can feed them,i am sure it's more but the thread list a majority of the things if not all,
as for the water conditioner,idk beats me, i just use repti safe water conditioner.Hopefully someone can answer that for you
If you're talking about feeding fish that have been in a tank with water conditioner and salt should not be a problem to feed the fish every now and than as long as the conditioner is only a declorinator as it denatures fast. Now ifs a stress coat (such as the stuff fish are shipped in) i would wait 48 hours before using any fish. Also there are some fish that i would avoid feeding out things that are toxic or are known to be toxic, fish that have ever been treated with any medication(even mild ick meds) and any fish that is just found dead and floating (fish tend to rot fast when they die in water not a good idea to feed it out).
As for conditioning the water for a tegu, no salt, just a declorinator like repti-safe is fine.