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Do any of your friends have a Tegu? If so maybe you could have your friend over to introduce your parents to a Tegu. As long as it's behaved! That on top of your already built enclosure might seal the deal. Good luck!
thanks, but why do you smell trouble?
only one of my friend owns a tegu, but it's a columbian, and it is the meanest little critter on the face of this planet, my other friend owns a baby savannah monitor, but they already said no to that after the amount of rodents they eat
a red tegu is perfect for me
you come from the same boat i come from koreandeathkid. being asian myself, my parents aren't too pleased with my fondness of the reptilian friends. but over the years, they've grown accustomed to it. i mean i have it, but they never see it. only when i bring them out while watching tv or hanging around. all i can say is that it takes time.
Thats the plan with my little one, my wife thinks all reptiles look mean.
Especially tegus, "they look evil" she says.
If I keep showing him to her every few days, she doesn't realize how big he will be in a year or so.
i don't think no animals look evil in opinion, and playboi, where in asia do you come from, and what kind of reptiles do you own? i guess every body is different, and your parents are at least okay with you owning reptiles, but my parents just doesn't like the whole idea, but i still don't know why they gave me a reptile room, and now i have to fill it up to replace 20 hamsters i had before i moved, and plan on doing this by getting a big animal, such as the red tegu
oh, i don't live anywhere on the asian continent. i am vietnamese descent. but i live in the states. it's pretty cool your parents gave you a reptile room, shows that they at least allow you some freedom. i don't think they mind you buying such a large lizard, but i think maybe they are just worried about all the money you'd spend on it? i currenly own 2 tegus, 1 jackson chameleon, 1 leopard gecko, and i just recently purchased a baby green iguana.