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Getting my first Tegu here soon (what to expect?)



Me and my girlfriend have just moved out, and have been wanting a B&W Argentine Tegu for years. Finally have gotten savings up and ready for our new Tegu, just waiting until we've got enough. Currently paying 700$ a month rent, but have got plenty of left over for monthly spending. Just curious as to what to expect from our new Tegu (when we've got everything payed). Expecting to have him within' the next month or two. I've decided to get the EcoTerra version of the PowerSun, UVB/Heat lamps, will probably start with a 100watt (unless a larger wattage is recommended). Currently we've got an open 40 gallon waiting for it. Cypress mulch, a large rock for basking, and a large stick that will be putting him closer to the bulb for his basking & UVB exposure. I've done research over the passed few months, and somewhat know what to expect, just not the growth rate. If anyone can let me know how fast to expect for our new Tegu to grow, that'd be great. As I said, we've got a 40gallon open for him, and I know they grow fast, so probably will be investing in a 6ftx3ft or 6x4 foot enclosure for him. As he will also be out a good amount of the time he's with us. Also, a quick question. Would it be ideal to leave the UVB/Heat lamp on 24 hours, or would it be a better idea to switch the uvb and heat lamp out during the night for a ceramic heat emitter? Thanks for taking the time to read this, look forward to hearing replies. Also, plan on ordering from varnyardherps.



By all means get the ceramic heater .. The hundred watt bulb is good for the forty gallon and you can use another for heat during the day but I would recommend the 160 watt[ 150 watt] . They are better in a larger enclosure [Ideal for a 4x2x2 ] You want a light and dark cycle like ten hours light 14 dark . this time of year you can cut that back .. If you can get your Tegu out side some in the day that is great ...You will find out quick that by the time you get a hide water bowl and basking rock there wont be much room in a forty gallon tank .A 4x2x2 is better to start with ..


Actually, on the lighting cycle, start with a 12 hours on/12 hours off; you don't know if your tegu's going to hibernate or not, and if he doesn't, then he'll need the full 12 hour cycle. Once you have had him for a little while, if you notice that he's going down for the Winter, THEN you can cut the lights back. Case in point, here's a member here who cut their tegu's lights back, trying to induce hibernation, and ended up causing MBD in his reptile.


New Member
For growth it really depends on your tegu. I have one gu that is growing an inch to an inch 1/2 a week my other one is doing that every two weeks. They both live in the same enviroment. You could get yours and it could go straight into hibernation. It's really hard to plan for.


Yeah, your best bet would be to do your research on here and other sites, and then plan for everything all at once. ;)


nordica said:
Yeah, your best bet would be to do your research on here and other sites, and then plan for everything all at once. ;)

That's the plan.
Thanks for all the comments. Still putting away money for everything, I've got plenty of time to gather all of the information to give it what it needs when it arrives.


Been looking around for lighting & heat fixtures, hear that the powersun are good, and this one looked like the same thing. Flukers Sun Spot Mercury bulb, probably end up getting the 160watt, aswell as the Zilla Ceramic Heat emitter bulb, 100watt reasonable since night time can get a bit cooler? I've already got a few big bags of cypress mulch, and got some coconut fiber for a hide spot.

Zilla ceramic:

Flukers Sun Spot:

All of this suitable for new housemate?
Decided I'd look into a 4.5x2.5x2.5 cage, or 120gallon 4x2x2.

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