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Great example of how live rodents bite tegus.


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5 Year Member
I personally dont feed frozen most of the time.. but the process of freezing will eliminate any parasites that may reside in the food items.. this would be more important with say WC frogs and snails if you chose to feed those. I think a fresh piece of food with the blood still warm and pumping is 'healthier' but that has no real research behind it. just something I like to think. though I do go and collect tadpoles this time of year and raise them into froglets as feeders for my larger frogs. these I take the time to make sure they are healthy and good for feeding. however I am feeding american bullfrogs to african bullfrogs essentially. both of which can carry thr Chytrid fungus with no ill effects to themselves.


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5 Year Member
I've resorted to fresh rats off the nipple from the garage and a quick whompus on the head. Rat thinks he's dead, animals think they're alive. Nobody gets hurt, everybody wins. Although I do feel a bit sinister pulling a little pup off the nipple just to throw his punk a$$ in with a giant snake. LOL. Oh well I always wanted to be the villain in movies.


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5 Year Member
I only knock the bigger ones in the head. The ones on the tit. I just pitch them in. But if it can eat on it's own . Now it gets a good whomp and then goes in Now. LOL


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I just smack em and in they go. I admit I occasionally throw small live ones in there. I like to keep a feeding response with my lizards. I feed small hoppers to my large monitor and tegus, that way they get the exercise, but kill the mouse very quickly and do not get bitten.

Since they are so big, it's like a really big cricket, most of the time they don't even shake them to kill them. They can just swallow it whole.

I usually just knock them out or kill them, and use the tongs to make them jump for it etc. I do agree that a hamster of that size with a tegu is unethical and stupid, however.

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